9. Get back here!

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I've been making a city inspired by Silk City in Minecraft. Also votes and comments are

I smiled softly, my first ever friend since the lab... I am so happy! Deuce waved goodbye to me before running off to his next class. I should probably try to find Grim since all the others are in class, I also have to make sure those two do their punishment.

I started walking around the school looking for that little gray fur ball. I heard a soft snore, maybe thinking that Grim decided to fall asleep and not help me clean. I walked towards a tree and was met with a small gray cat. I bent down and shook him softly to wake him.

| Grim, Grim we have to finish cleaning before we can rest.

He shook my hand off and tried going back to sleep

Grim| Myah... five more minutes...

I softly scoffed and picked him up, which in turn made his eyes widen.

Grim| Myah! What are you doing?!

| Woah, calm down. You have to wash those windows after Ace is done with class, I'll keep you two in check.

His face darkened at the mention of the windows, he reached his paw up to the cheek that was once burned.

Grim| Why did you have to remind me... also how is the wound healed? Henchman you are quite weird.

I giggled softly at that and started walking away from the tree.

| I mean I am from another world

His eyes widened, I thought he knew? Ah, wait I didn't tell him and he wasn't there for the sending me "home" part of the ceremony.

Grim| What! So your telling me my henchman is an alien!

| Hmm, I guess so!

I flashed him a smile and started to walk around the school with him as he asked me random questions about my world.

Grim | What's the food like? Is there anything different from your world and this world?

I frowned knowing I couldn't answer much of his questions due to my former.. circumstances.

| Hmm... I couldn't tell much because I don't know all that much, I do remember that there was No magic, but everything else is a blur...

He looked confused for a second before recovering and replying

Grim | How do you not know much about your own world?

I gave him a pained smile

| Not much, Maybe one day, when I feel more comfortable I'll tell you what I do know.

Grim| Okay, but make sure in the first person to know, your my henchman not anybody else's!

I'm surprised he was so understanding

| I will make sure you know first. I promise.

Grim | You better keep that promise!

I entered the cafeteria and put Grim down. I walked over to a corner to wait for Ace to be done with his classes to join Grim in their punishment.

| We should wait for Ace, you guys still have to wash those windows.

Grim| Ugh.. do I have to?

I flashed him a threatening smile
| Yes, Yes you do.

Grim| Meh..
He sighed out

| 5 Minutes after the bell has rung |

| Is he a little late?

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