8. Friend?

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I am super sorry about not updating the book! I got really stressed with exams and it changed my mood a lot! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Also a single question mark is a non important character, and three question marks is an important character

'It's alright now... I'm surprised it could heal without a scar. Right I should get going to the cafeteria, I haven't eaten in almost two days.'

I started walking around the school looking for what could be the cafeteria, eventually I just got lost and had to ask somebody for directions. I saw a man with horns, he looked friendly enough! I walked up tapping his shoulder.

| Excuse me? I was wondering if you knew where the cafeteria was?

He turned around and looked at me a small bit of surprise accompanying his face.

???| Hm? Oh yes of course, come I'll lead you.

'He was willing to help, that's great!'

| Thank you! Lead the way!

He started walking forward and then he turned left, then right. 'I really have to memorize this path if I don't wanna stay lost.' Suddenly I was pulled out of my thoughts when he started talking

???| Well here we are Y/N, please enjoy your lunch.

He knew my name? That's really weird but I can just ask why he knows.

| Thank you, but how do you know my name?

He smiled a tiny bit and replied
???| With what happened at the opening ceremony I would be surprised if somebody didn't know. Please enjoy the rest of your day.

| You too! Thank you for leading me here!

I opened the door walking in to see a ton of people, I was not ready for this to be honest! I slowly navigated my way around the massive amount of people praying nobody paid attention to me. 'Also? Where's Grim? Ugh I'll find him after I eat!' I grabbed a plate full of random things because I just needed to eat something. I turned around and realized I was gonna need to eat outside because most of the seats were already taken. I started to walk outside when somebody grabbed my wrist. I turned around to see a man wearing a Black and Yellow band in his arm, he also had some... animal ears?

| Excuse me could you let go? I'm kind of in a hurry.

?| No can do pretty lady, say why don't you sit down with us? We will treat you real nice.

'What is this guys problem?!' My eyes narrowed as I looked at him.'

| I am in a hurry please let go.

'I swear I will wring him out like a rag if somebody doesn't get him off of me'

?| Ooh~ such a feisty one! We are gonna have a lot of fun with you

He started to drag me over to a table and I tried freeing my wrist from his hand. If he doesn't let me go this second I'm going to kill him.

| Let go!

???| You let go of her, she has already told you to stop!

The whole lunchroom looked our way he stopped and we both turned around to see a man with blue hair and a spade drawn on his face.  Instead of letting me go the man who was holding my wrist held on tighter.

?| Heh, get your own prey! I'm not letting this one go.

I was pissed, he is treating me like some type of pretty porcelain doll. He has been told three times to lay off and he hasn't. I turned back to face him.

| You heard him let me go.

?| You think I'll let such a pretty woman off just because she said no? Heh you have another thing coming!

The blue haired guy came up to us and quickly pried the guy's hand off my wrist, he pulled me away from the other dude and I went behind his back. 'This guy seems good, I'll stick with him.'

???| You better not touch her again-

| I'll beat your ass if you touch me again! You were about five seconds from losing your little dignity left!

That got shocked reactions out of the both of them, I smirked before the other guy spoke up.

?| What are you gonna do if I try again huh? Your so weak you couldn't even defend yourself earlier.

That. Is. It. I bolted from behind the blue dude and ran up slapping his face. Then kicking one of his legs resulting in him loosing his footing and falling. I glared at him while he was on the floor, while he tried to get up I kicked his arm resulting in him falling down again.

| Who's weak now huh? Only thing that stopped me from beating you was blue dude over here. I am not a doll you can just play with, I've had enough trouble being treated like an object.

I tried kicking him again but the blue haired guy stopped me, it was probably for the best though to be honest.

???| Calm down, here come sit with me over here please.

At least I'm not being forced to sit down this time, I followed him to the table and sat down.

| Sorry for the trouble...

???| That was so cool! You were super amazing back there! By the way the name is Deuce, Deuce Spade

| Huh? O-oh thank you! And my name is Y/N L/N

I didn't expect him to compliment me, it was a nice surprise though!

Deuce| I was so surprised when you kicked his leg out! You looked amazing doing it, there was nothing better then seeing somebody like that get a taste of their own medicine too!

He went in for a while about how cool I was, and how amazing it was I stood up to him, we talked for a while, that was until I heard the bell ring.

Deuce| I'm sorry to cut our conversation short, I was hoping to speak with you a little longer but I have to get to class!

He started getting up and grabbing his things when suddenly something popped into my mind.

| W-wait!

He turned around to face me

Deuce| Yea?

| Does this mean we are friends?

He smiled at me, a warm welcoming smile.

Deuce| Of course!


I thought it would be nice to cut it off right here! Sorry for my absence again! We will be getting into the story story in a bit, but I think it would be great just to build relationship with character before getting too much into anything

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