10. Watch out!

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Motivation go brrr also please comment I love talking to you guys-. Tell me if I should edit anything or add anything. I'm always welcoming suggestions! Don't be too harsh tho I will cry

|What are we waiting for, let's get a move on.

I run off in the direction Grim bolted, Ace and Deuce swiftly follow in pursuit. I feel myself slowing down because of this hefty clothing, if only Crowley would give me something different!

|Im not much help here! I don't have magic and I don't feel like running a mile in this dress! It gets stuffy fast!

Deuce looks at me and nods

Deuce| Just leave it to me! I'll get him, you better help too Ace!

Ace sighs loudly before facing Deuce

Ace| Yea yea I'm on it! Quit yapping and start trapping!

I see Grim take a hard left, almost hitting a tree. If we weren't in these circumstances I would be rolling on the floor laughing. A wisp of bright light almost hits Grim and he stumbles before running again. I look back to see Deuce and Ace with their pens out.

Ace| Oi! Get out of our way your blocking our view.

That Prick! I sigh loudly and slow down and step to the side, waiting for them to pass. When they pass by in-front of me I start running again. This stupid dress is really hot. I need to ask Crowley for some better clothes fast!

|Hows it going?! Any luck?!

Ace| No he's heading towards the cafeteria! Deuce help me out here!

Deuce| I'm trying my best, would you calm down?!

Ace| Well clearly your best isn't enough!

Okay now I'm really getting pissed off.
|Stop arguing! Both of you! Focus on Grim PLEASE!

Deuce nods and Ace sighs loudly. Grim sticks his tongue out at us and flees into the cafeteria.

|Quick! He should be easier to get in an enclosed room!

We all dash into the cafeteria to see Grim... on the chandelier.

Ace| Ugh you runt! Get down here!

Grim| Ha! No way! I'm not washing any windows!

Deuce looks at me before turning back and thinking. Okay.. how do we get him down... I could shoot him, but I don't know if that will kill him, or knock down the chandelier. I raise my hand to my head and rub my temple, trying to generate any thoughts on how to get him down. Then all of a sudden Deuce raises his pen at Ace, and says the most mind numbing brain dead thing I have ever heard.

Deuce| I'm going to launch you at Grim! You better grab him!

Ace started floating and this time I actually feel bad for him.
Ace| Wait what?! Wait put me down what are you doing!

|Deuce, that's gonna break the chandeli-

Deuce| Grab him nice and tight!

My protests were ignored and Ace was launched at the chandelier straight at Grim.


Grim Screeched and Ace collided with the Chandelier, in turn making it fall down with a deafening crash.

|Deuce! Watch out!

I grab his arm and drag him back. I shut my eyes closed and start fanning the dust and debris from my face. When I open my eyes I rush over to Ace and Grim.

|Are any of you hurt?! Is there any wounds anywhere?

Ace| Ugh... No I think I'm fine...

Grim| Mraw.... Everything dizzy...

Deuce| Yikes... I probably should have come up with a landing

I reach my hand out to Ace and he takes it, I pull him up and inspect him for any cuts. Miraculously he has none.

| Deuce, your lucky he wasn't hurt.. now this chandelier is shattered-

Deuce looks at me with guilt decorating his face.
Deuce| I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking..

Ace| We have to get out of here before the headmaster finds out-

And like he was summoned by an ancient bird demon ritual, he arrived.

Crowley| Find out what-? OH MY GOD! WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO?!

I step forward
| Grim decided to get up on the chandelier and not thinking any better Ace was thrown at him.

Crowley looks at me with utter horror in his eyes.

His booming voice bringing back back memories, I cover my ears with my hands. He takes notice and actually lowers his voice, I was not expecting that from somebody like him..

Crowley| This chandelier has been here for many years, even before I assumed the role of headmage. I am afraid because of this you two will have to be expelled.

He pointed to Ace and Deuce, for some reason I was left out of the narrative. Favoritism perhaps? Deuce spoke shakily with horror in his voice.

Deuce| W-wait! I'll repay the cost no matter how expensive! Just please don't expel me!

Crowley| This very chandelier has been here for many years, and at this point it would cost about 10 Billion Madols.

Deuce| 10 B- Billion?! That's way more then I'll ever make in a lifetime!

Is that the currency of this world? Interesting...
Ace spoke up

Ace| Well I'm sure you could just fix the chandelier with your magic!

Crowley| Magic is not all powerful I am afraid. Though if you really wish to not be expelled there is one way..

Deuce| What is it?! I'll do anything!

Crowley| The magic crystal that powered this chandelier was mined from the dwarfs mine. If you were to find a crystal and bring it back I will rescind your expulsion. The dwarfs mine has been abandoned for many years now and the mines may have run dry. I will allow you to use the mirror chamber to access it.

Deuce| Thank you so very much! Come on Ace and Grim let's get going.

Grim| Eh?! Why me!

Ace| You caused all of this by skipping out on a punishment.

I spoke up
|Theoretically YOU caused all of this
I pointed my finger at him and gave him the most monotone voice I could muster. He awkwardly laughed and went after Ace. I started to follow them when Crowley called my name.

Crowley| Y/N, you need not go. You were not the cause of this as far as I can tell.

I.. stood there for a moment before speaking up again.
| Their my friends, I must help them.

I turned back around and ran after them towards the mirror chamber.


I thought this was a good note to end it off on! I'm really proud of this chapter and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!

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