13.Dear Moonlight, share with me your beauty..

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If you have any suggestions on the story please don't be afraid to tell me! I do not wish to be cringe so tell me if something seems cringy-

I look at their faces after explaining the plan, I hope damn well they think it's good. I didn't come this far for them to disagree.

Deuce| This plan.. might actually work.

| It better. Now let's get going

Ace| Hey! What about my opinion?!

Grim| Yours doesn't matter, you are the reason we are in this situation!

Ace| Hey! Stop bringing up ancient history!

I snorted a bit when hearing Grim be so sassy.
| Pft- Grim when did you get so sassy?

Grim| I'm not sassy! I'm just telling the truth henchman!

| Alright alright, now let's get going. Keep this plan in mind or else it will fail. Do not stray from it and don't try to have your hero moment, that gets people.. ah don't let me lecture you.

I sigh deeply and open the door, I walk outside and let my eyes rest on the moon. I haven't taken the time to appreciate my freedom have I? Why is it the moon let's us gaze at its beauty but the sun does not..? Ah, I cannot just stay here.

Ace| Yo, Y/N. Are you okay? You have been staring at the sky for a bit.

| Sorry, just- I haven't seen it in so long. Let's get going now.

I tear myself away from looking at the moon, I walk to the cave entrance.. I hope this plan works. If it doesn't I might as well just go all out.. no I don't think I need to, they seem competent.

| Are you all ready? You better hope I'm fast!

Ace, Deuce, and Grim| Yup. (Change this later cause it seems bland)

I walk into the mine, the jagged stone walls empty of what it used to contain. 'How could humanity do this to nature? Huh? Ugh what am I thinking!' Seems like my thinking was not doing me any good since I nearly walked straight into the monster. It seems it hasn't noticed me... I back up a bit to put some distance between me and it. I pull out a shiny object.

| Oh big monster thing~! Guess who has your stone!

The monster whipped its head at me, ink spilling out of its glass it seems it got its pickaxe back.. what a shame.

?| Givahh.. meee... my... STONEEEE!

The pickaxe was swung at me but I was thankfully far enough away from the monster. I held the shiny object above my head and the ink monster came rushing towards me. I turned around and started running, the monster tried its best to catch up. I made sure to slow down so I was still in its line of sight. I nearly dropped the shiny object but was able to catch it. I saw the cave entrance and hoped those three remembered the plan. I saw the monster slowing down behind me.

| Oi! Are you just gonna let your stone get stolen~! Well it's as good as mine!

That seemed to anger it enough and it sped up, I dashed towards the entrance of the cave and ran into the forest where they should be. I see familiar locks of hair and yell out at them.

| You guys! I've got one order of ink to deliver, remember the plan?!

They perked up at my voice and I led the monster into the open space. They quickly sprung up into action.

Ace| I hear ya! One extra large gust of wind comin' up!

Grim| Time to show you my power henchman!

Ace brought out his wand and with what seemed to be very little effort he created a large tempest, what an interesting guy. Grim shot his blue fireballs into the mix and it became a fire tornado, the blue fire and wind could be destructive and with the monster yelling in surprise at it's appearance.

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