Chapter 1: The customer

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[Please go read my new story, Demon Slayer's Quest. This one will be discontinued!]

Closing time. Probably one of my least favorite times of day. Mostly because we have to clean the whole shop but also because I don't like leaving the shop alone. I'm scared it'll get robbed. Or worse, someone will break in and take out stuff.
But I sigh and rub the dirt off from my hands on my towel that my mother gave me. I look at all the flowers at our shop. I feel myself smile. I loved being at the shop, selling flowers, the nice costumers. Something catches my gaze from afar. I look over.
The Blue Spider Lily. It's blue pedals shine and it looks pretty. It's tucked away in the back with all of the other dying plants. It's the only one in stock, though, we never tell anyone where it is. If we tell someone, they'll want it. I take off my apron and hang it on the rack where we put our dirty aprons.

I brush my blonde hair off my shoulder and grab the flower I was watering before and walk over to the cashier center.

"Does this flower need sunlight, Mom?" I asked. My mother turned around and placed down the flower she was holding. My mother had blonde hair as well and had blue eyes. She was also wearing an apron. She looked over from the cash register and nodded.

"You can put that outside with all of the other ones tomorrow morning." She said. She looked over at the window. "It's getting late. We should clean this place up, before—"

The bell of our shop chimed. We weren't expecting any customers this late. A man with black hair and red eyes walked in. He wore a white suit and had a hat on. I swear I've seen him before. I squint my eyes. My Mom came over and greeted him.

"Hello, sir. What can we do for you today?" She asked. I looked over at my father who was busy watering plants. The man caught his eye as well. He walked over.

"I'm looking for the Blue Spider Lily." He responds, scanning the room. "Do you have it by any chance?"

My eyes widened and I remembered how my mother told me about it.

"The flower," she spoke, kneeling down next to me when I was about seven. "Is called a Blue Spider Lily. It's powerful for demons, I think." She says. "If anyone asks for it, you do not give it to them."

"No. We don't." Mom replied. She looked over at me and my dad, worried. Then back to the man. "I'm sorry."

The man shook his head and laughed. "Don't lie to me. What's that over there?" He looks over to the back and I follow his gaze. Fear began to build up inside me. I quickly responded before my mother could say anything.

"It's not available!" I squeaked. He looked down at me and smirked. "Oh really?" He asked. I nodded. He laughed again.

"Alright then." He said. "Then I'll take your daughter." He then grabbed me and yanked me away from my parents side.
He held me in front of him, a knife on my neck. I tried to squirm around and leave but he wouldn't let me go. His grip was strong.

"Let her go!" My mother yelled. She stepped forward but the man stepped back.

"Hand me the flower. Or else." He looked at me then at my parents.

My mom looked at my dad with her eyes widened. My dad shook his head and scoffed.

"Give our daughter back and we will give you the flower." My dad said, smirking.

"What are you doing?!" I heard my mother say in a sharp whisper. My dad didn't respond.

The man let me go and smirked.
"Wise decision."

I quickly ran to my parents and hugged them. My dad went to grab the flower but then I noticed that he grabbed a flower pot instead. My dad then ran up to the man and hit him in the head. The man stumbled and held on the counter for support.

"You stupid— argh! My head!" He groaned. He then quickly ran, slamming the door behind him.

. . .

Words: 702

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