Chapter 13: Sabito and Makomo

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The next day, I went over to the boulder, alone. I stood there, thinking. After hitting the boulder for the longest time, I gave up and sat on the ground. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I got up and banged my head against the boulder. I winced, clutching my forehead, and took a step back.

"That isn't going to help, you know." A voice spoke. I looked up and saw a boy on top of the rock. His hair was a peach color and he had a mask on, the same masks Urokodaki had on his shelf. He had a large scar running from the right corner of his mouth to his right ear.


He jumped down and looked at me. "Sabito." He said. "Now, are you aiming to be a demon slayer?"

"Yes." I said. "My friend Tanjiro is wanting to become one too."

He scoffed and pulled out his sword. "If you are such a demon slayer, show me what you're worth."

"Huh?" I ask. I wiped my tears.

"Show me what you got. You wanna be a demon slayer? You have to train!" He suddenly comes at me, his sword in the air and I quickly raise mine. I struggle against him.  I let out a grunt as I pushed him back, throwing him away from me. He fell but got up faster than I could. His attacks were stronger.

"Is that all you got?" He asks. I grip my sword with my hands trembling. I then came after him, swinging my sword around as he dodges my attacks. He then soon was able to throw me back and I fell to the ground. Dirt got all over my clothes and hands. There's no way I can beat this guy. He's too strong. I have to—

"Yuki?" Tanjiro asks. I looked over and saw Tanjiro standing away from me. He hurried to my side and helped me up. He then looked over and his eyes widened as he saw Sabito.

"Who.. who are—"

"Doesn't matter." Sabito said. "What? Are you training to be a demon slayer too?" he sighs and shakes his head. "You two will never make it to Final Selection."

"What?" Tanjiro asks. He takes a step forward. It was clear he was angry. His eyebrow's furrowed. "What gives you the right to talk to us like that?! We don't even know you."

Sabito waved his hand aside and ignored Tanjiro. "You two need my help. From here on out, I will help you two make it to Final Selection, than you'll thank me."

Off in the distance, I saw a girl. She looked about a couple years younger than me. She had pale skin and didn't wear a mask like Sabito did. She had cyan color eyes and had black hair that came down to her shoulders. She wore a red yukata with a pink and white flower dot pattern. She made eye contact with me and smiled a little.

"Okay." I replied. I looked up at Sabito and Tanjiro. "Let's train."

. . .
(Muzan's POV)

I sat down and banged my fist onto the table as Doma and Akaza both stood in front of me.

"Why can't we find her anywhere?!" I yelled. Akaza sighed and looked over at Doma.

"Probably because Doma is being a lazy ass—"

"Hey!" Doma yelled. He pushed Akaza but Akaza didn't mind. "You shut it!"

Akaza let out a laugh. "What? It's only true. You—"

"Both of you, shut up!" I yelled again. They both stopped fighting and frowned.

"Even if we do find her—which we probably won't—" he muttered. "—what are we going to do?"

I shook my head and stood up. "We have to find her. I don't care how long this will take."

"Why is she so important?" Akaza asked smudgily. "It's not like we need her—"

"We need her, Akaza. Without her, how are we going to find the flower?" I asked. None of them decided to respond. Which was good, I didn't need a response. I walked away and looked out into the window, it was starting to get dark out.

"Let's head out." I said, I turned to them both. "We aren't going to find her if we are just standing here doing nothing."

I walked to the door and they both followed. When we headed out, we walked, searching for Yuki.

. . .
(Back to Yuki's POV)

I panted and fell to the ground, catching my breath. Tanjiro and I both spent a good hour training with Sabito. The more training we did, the more harder it got.

"Come on, let's go again." Sabito said. "Do you want to be stronger or not?"

I stood up. Tanjiro and I both took turns training with Sabito. Tanjiro finished training with Sabito last round. It was my turn now. I raised my sword and attacked him. He blocked my sword from getting closer to him and kept swinging his around as I attempted to stop him from hitting me. Each attack was stronger than the last.

"All you've done with your training is memorize the information. Your body still has no clue on what it needs to do." He said firmly. I dodged another once of his attacks before he continued to swing his sword around and both of our swords kept making a clang! sound as they hit together over and over.

"What the hell have you've been up to for the past year and a half?" I grunted in response as he threw another attack at me, I was unprepared.

"All of it has to be hammered into your flesh!" He says, his words starting to echo in my head. I swung my sword again. Harder this time. "More. More! More!! You have to make sure you never forget any of the secrets Urokodaki taught you! Pound it into the marrow of your bones!"

I let out a battle cry and attempted to swing my sword, ready to attack him but he dodges and pushes me back. I fall to the ground, catching my breath, Tanjiro at my side.

"You okay?" Tanjiro asks. I sit up and nod. He lets out a laugh. "You're pretty good."

"You're pretty good, too." I chuckle. I looked up and Sabito was gone. "Let's go." I said, I stood up—with the help of Tanjiro—and we both walked home.

When we arrived back home, it was late. Urokodaki waited for us but he told us to go to bed. We nodded and headed to the room. I yawned and flopped onto bed. My arms hurt from all the swinging from the training. I then sighed and soon fell asleep.

. . .

After a month, I stood my ground and faced Sabito. He stood there, his sword in his hands. Tanjiro wasn't there, he slept late after last night. I then raised my hand and slashed Sabito's mask. Sabito's mask fell off his face and he gave me a smile before he disappeared and I could only see the boulder. The boulder was cut in half.
H-How? I asked no one. I stood there, shocked. A hand was placed down my shoulder and I jolted. I turned around and saw Urokodaki.

"You did it." He said, he sounded satisfied. He ruffled my hair and I smiled. "Good job, Yuki. Let's get home."

. . .
Words: 1228

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