Chapter 15: My own steel

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After Tanjiro and I both somehow survived all of the seven nights, we were tired. But when we got out, only five of us remained. It made me slightly nervous. People probably died. I shuddered but I stood next to Tanjiro. I looked over and saw the yellow-orange haired boy I saw days ago. Then, there was a girl. She wore a pink kimono and her hair was black and tied up, she had a butterfly pin. Another boy caught my attention. His hair was shaved and he only had a bit from the top. He had a huge scar over his face and wore a purple and black outfit.

"I'm gonna die.. I'm a goner." The yellow haired boy muttered. Somehow, I could still hear him. "Even if I survive, I'm still going to die somehow."

"Welcome back."

I looked up to see the two girls from seven days ago.

"Congratulations." They said. "We're pleased to see that you are safe."

"So? What am I supposed to do now?" The boy with the scar asked. He seemed annoyed. I didn't understand but I looked over at him. "Where's my sword?" He asks.

"First, we shall assign you all uniforms." The girl with white hair said. "We will take your measurements after which your rank will be engraved. There are ten ranks in all: Kinoe, Kinoto, Hinoe, Hinoto, Tsuchinoe. Kanoe, Kanoto, Mizunoe, and lastly, Mizunoto."

Huh. I thought. Both girls then proceeded to explain.

"Currently, you are at the lowest rank, Mizunoto." She said.

"And our swords?" The boy from before asked angrily.

"Today, you will chose the ore for your swords." The girls continued. "However, the swords will take ten to fifteen days to complete."

"Are you kidding me?" The boy grumbles.

"But first.." the white girl claps her hands. Birds come from down the sky and landed on our shoulders.

"A Kasugai crow?" Tanjiro asks. I look at my own crow and I feel slightly scared but I don't move.

"These Kasugai crows can be used primarily for conversation." The girls explained.

"Did you say crow?" The yellow haired boy spoke up, quietly. He had a sparrow on his shoulder. "Isn't this a sparrow?"

"Don't give me that crap!" The boy with the scar yelled out, shaking his crow off his shoulder. He yelled so loudly it made all of our crows fly away. He walks over to the girls and grabs the white haired one, yanking her hair.

"Who the hell cares about some stupid crow?" He asks. "I want a sword, you hear? Hand it over right now! The Demon Slayers' sword, the color-changing Katana!" He yells. Tanjiro walks over to him and places his hand on his wrist.

"Let go of the child!" Tanjiro says firmly. "Or else I'll break your arm!" The boy raises an eyebrow and scoffs.

"Who the hell are you?" He asks.

"Wh-What should I do?" The yellow haired boy asks, panicking. I was afraid, too, but I didn't say anything.

"If you wanna try and break my arm, do it!" The boy yells. Tanjiro was surprised. He then gripped harder and he soon cracked the boy's bone. The boy cried out and stepped away from Tanjiro, clutching his broken wrist. Tanjiro made eye contact with him and stared at him angrily.

"Are you two finished chatting?" The black haired girl asked. There was a table above the stairs that had a purple cover. The black haired girl pulled it off and there were tons of ores on the table. "Now then, please chose an ore." The girl said.

I nod and stepped forward. I look at the ores. I looked over at Tanjiro who seemed concentrated on which one to pick. I chose whichever one came to mind. After we picked our ores, Tanjiro and I both walked home.

The sun was setting and Tanjiro and I both walked together. We both had a white bag on our shoulders, inside, was our uniform. I had to hold him for support, he was getting weak.

"I.. was so naive." Tanjiro mutters. "I tried to ask the demons how to turn a demon back into a human, none of them replied.." he paused. "All they did was attack me." His tone lowered into a whisper. "I'm.. sorry, Nezuko." He all of a sudden collapse on the ground and I quickly kneeled down.

"Tanjiro, get up." I muttered. I looked up, the sky was starting to set. It started to get darker. I looked around, hoping Muzan wouldn't find me. "Tanjiro, please.."

Tanjiro stood up and I grabbed onto his shoulder again. "Come on. We aren't that far." I said. We then walked towards the house. I looked around once more. I swear I could see Muzan off in the distance, smiling. I closed my eyes and opened them again. He wasn't there. My mind was playing tricks.

. . .
Words: 820

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