Chapter 7: Sakonji Urokodaki

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The man wore a mask and his voice was deep and gruff. He wore a blue kimono with white cloud patterns and a black belt. He had a latex mask that was red and had a long nose. It made me a little uncomfortable but I shrugged it off.

"Are you two lost?" He asks, looking around.

"Yes. I'm Yuki." I said. I turned to the boy standing next to me. "And this is— uh.."

"Tanjiro." He replied. I nod.

"Yuki and Tanjiro.." The man muttered under his breath. "Did you two kill a demon here?" He asks.

"How do you—" I ask. But he cuts me off.

"I've been here many times, quiet strange, really." He says. "So, did you?"

I sigh and nod. "Yes. We did. I got here before Tanjiro so I was basically alone fighting this thing." I explain.

The man nods again. "Then, how did you kill it?"

"I threw the axe Tanjiro had at the demon and it caused him to get pinned against the tree. The sun decided to rise up so we let him burn." I said. The man sighed and muttered something underneath his breath.
He took a step towards us both and slapped us in the face.

"You have to learn to make decisions for yourself. You can't let the world decide it for you. If you ever encounter a demon again, you do not wait for the sun to rise." He says, sternly. "You take action and kill it yourself, no matter how weak you are. Always get back on your feet. Understood?"

Tears filled my eyes and my vision became blurry before I wiped them away and placed my arms to my sides. I nod.
Tanjiro nods as well.

"I am Sakonji Urokodaki. I train people like you to go to the Final Selection." Urokodaki says. "From there, you will become a demon slayer."

"But.. what if—" i pause, struggling to say anything. "What if I'm a demon? Is that—"

Urokodaki pulls out a sword and points it directly towards me, I take a step back, my eyes widening. "Then I'll have to kill you." He says.

"N-No, wait!" I yell. "I don't eat human flesh! I-I don't have a taste for it, anyways. I eat regular food, I know it sounds weird, but—!"

"What?" Urokodaki asks. He puts down his sword. "Are you telling the truth, Yuki?"

"Yes, I am." I respond.

"Okay then. I believe you." He says. "But if you trick us, or do something that I think is suspicious, I'll kill you."

I laugh nervously. The humor slowly fades as a voice inside my head speaks.

"Yukiii.." the voice says in a sing-song voice. I feel shivers down my spine. "Where are youu..?"

Who the hell is talking to me? I asked no one. I turned to Urokodaki and Tanjiro. "I-I'll be right back." I then quickly walk off and find an empty area without Urokodaki and Tanjiro.

"What?" I whisper to no one. The voice laughs. It sounds a lot like..
"Muzan?" I ask, taking a step back.

"Yes, Yuki?" He asks. He laughs again. "My, my, you sure are clever, aren't you?" He says. His tone takes a serious turn. "Where are you?"

"I thought you'd already find out because you put a tracking device on me." I pause. "I suppose I was wrong. How can you speak into my mind?"

"It's pretty easy, really. I can't track you because the signal is weak. Stupid device." He muttered the last part. I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. I'm much more free without you anyways." I said. "I don't need you and I'm not coming back!" I yelled.

"I will find you, Yuki. Just you wait." Then, it was silent. I fell to my knees and began to sob uncontrollably. I didn't want to go back, I couldn't. I couldn't live that life again. Getting abused every single day, barely eating. It hurt my brain just even thinking about it. I shook my head and stood up.

"Don't think about that, Yuki." I told myself. "He's not coming back. You wont go back." I took about five minutes before i stood up and began walking away. As I was walking, I heard Muzan's voice.

"Yes, you will come back."

. . .
Words: 721

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