1 | Chapter 1

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It was the end of a long and stressful day for Kunikida. But he was now done with the days work and missions which meant he had some time before he sticks to his schedule again.

After leaving his place of work , Kunikida figured that a walk would do him good. So thats exactly what he did. He walked around Yokohama just watching everyone go about their daily lives.

Kunikida had often wondered what his life would have been like if he hadn't joined the port mafia. A life without the mafia or hell even his ability.

He soon quickly ignores those thoughts that were there and focused on something else like the night sky. He then continued to walk around the city occasionally staring at the sky , thinking about things mainly his ideals and stuff.

As he was walking he ended up near the river , and the next thing he knew he ended up bumping into someone all because he was too lost in thought.

"Sorry , I wasn't looking where I was going." Kunikida said. The man stared at Kunikida for a second. "No , i should be." He said. The man had dark brown hair and brown eyes, He also wore a long jacket over a shirt. It seemed that they both weren't looking where they were going as the man was also saying that he should be the one to apologise.

"No , its alright." Kunikida said. They both stood there for awhile unsure of what to do untill Kunikida spoke up again.

"I suppose I haven't introduced myself yet." He said. "I'm Kunikida." He said as he held out his hand. "Well , I'm Dazai." The other man said doing the same thing and they both shook hands.

"Nice to meet you , Dazai." Kunikida said. "Yeah , you too Kunikida." Dazai said. They both had only just met and it already felt like they could end up being good friends in the future.

Even though Kunikida had liked the idea of having an actual friend he had also considerd the possibility that Dazai was from an enemy orginaisation. And it could be trouble if he was with the detective agency.

He figured that he might not be as Kunikida hasn't heard of Dazai at all. Since he only met the man today it was best to leave things as they are.

"I best be going now." Kunikida said after realising he was behind schedule.

"So , same time tommorrow?" Dazai asked almost looking hopeful. Kunikida nodded. "Yeah sure." They had both agreed to meet up again the next day which honestly was something that Kunikida wasn't expecting at all.

He and Dazai parted ways , and Kunikida carried on walking back to where he lived. He decided that it was best to sleep as he was assigned to do a mission the next day.

That night , Kunikida found himself thinking about Dazai the man he had just met today. What he didn't know was that his meeting with Dazai would change things.


It was now the day after Kunikida had met Dazai. He was in the port mafia headquaters ready to start the days work and on alert for any orders from the boss.

As he was walking to his office a voice shouted out to him.

"Hey Kunikida." The voice that sounded like Chuuya shouted. "The boss said he wants to see you for somethin." He said as he walked off.

The paperwork would have to wait. Kunikida headed for the top of the mafia headquaters to the one place where not many people were allowed to enter unless requested.

"Ah , Kunikida." The mafia boss said as Kunikida enterd the room. He stood silently waiting orders whilst ignoring the girl who was drawing something on the floor.

Kunikida stared at Mori waiting for his next orders. "Your mission today is to find the weretiger and bring him alive. "

"Your partner for this one is Akutagawa."

Kunikida left the room once the little meeting was over. It seemed that his next mission was to hunt for the weretiger with Akutagawa.

After awhile both Kunikida , Akutagawa and Higuchi were out and ready to find the weretiger whos whereabouts was suprisingly at the armed detective agency.

The plan was for Higuchi to go and act as a regular civilian and trick the agencey and leading them right in to their trap. Then Akutagawa would corner the weretiger and fight him whilst Kunikida would help fighting off the other agency members.

This mission seemed like a tough one. But they could handle it like all their previous missions. Though some might not have been successful , this one looked like it was just as , if not more important than the last ones as the weretiger also had a ridiculously large amount of money as a bounty on him.

After a few hours the mission was done and it was time to plan their next course of action. Since they failed to bring him back since the agencey member with the illusion ability tricked them , they would have to come up with another plan and fast before the day ended.

They were going to have to fight the agencey head on. The boss had said the next mission which was to fight the agencey  would take place in a few days so it would give them time to train and find out whatever information they could on the agency.

And it seemed like that Kunikida would have his schedule really full meaning he wouldn't have any time to see Dazai at all. 


This was hard to write. I suck at thinking of plots and writing long chapters

Thanks for reading if you did and hope you enjoyed it

bye for now


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