17 | Kunikida's Enterance Exam

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It had been a few years since Dazai and Kunikida last saw each other. Kunikida had defected from the mafia and did what Dazai had done when he himself left the mafia.

Now things were all ok which meant that Kunikida was now able to take the agencey entrance exam. Kunikida was already at the agencey and was now standing infront of the agencey's president.

"Are you ready for the exam?"

Kunikida nodded. He was ready. He had been ready since the day he made the descision to join the agencey amd he wan't backing out of it now. Not when he came this far.

"Ok then. Lets go."

With that Kunikida entered the agencey office and was met with the stares of everyone. It was pretty much the same as it was before with the exception of the possibility of Kunikida passing the exam.

"Hello Kunikida!" The first person to greet him was the blonde haired child. Kunikida barely rememberd him since he never interacted with the child when he was here before.

"I'm assuming you're here for your enterance exam?" Tanizaki asked.

"Yes I am." Kunikida said.

Then not even a few minutes later the agencey's president walked in and looked at Kunikida who was standing with Dazai.

"Kunikida I will be pairing you up with Dazai for this" Fukuzawa said. They then went over the planning of where their next or Kunikida's first mission with the agencey would be about.

"Lets go Kunikida!" Dazai said. And they left the agencey and wanded round Yokohama untill they found their destination.

"Hey Dazai." Kunikida said looking at him as they were on their way to begin the mission.

Dazai looked at Kunikida. "Yes , what is it?" He asked.

"Well its just that I'd never thought I'd be doing this and now that I am , I feel like I might mess something up ...." He said.

"You'll be fine don't worry too much." Dazai said.

They carried on walking for awhile as they soon went away from the busy streets of Yokohama to the more quiter and more sketchy areas of the city.

"Looks like we're here now." Kunikida said once he saw the building in the distance.

"Ok lets go."

And with that they both walked towards the enterance of the building and opened the large doors and went inside. Upon entering the building the first thing they noticed was that it was dark and looked like it hadn't been used for a good amount of years.

"Where do we start?" Dazai asked. The building was too quiet for their liking. They decided to look around some more to see what there was before anything happend.

After a few minutes of looking around only to find that there was nothing at all , Kunikida went back to the main room of the building to meet up with Dazai who also went off on his own.

They soon met back up again a few minutes later. "Did you see anything?" Dazai asked.

"No." Kunikida said and it looked like that Dazai had the same results that he did.

Suddenly a gunshot could be heard from somewhere in the room and Dazai and Kunikida got ready to fight whoever it was that was firing at them.

Before they had time to react another bullet was shot at them but it was aimed at Dazai , so wihout thinking Kunikida had pushed him out of the way just before the bullet could hit any of them.

"Dazai are you ok?" Kunikida asked

"Im fine." Dazai said as he got up again.

"Lets look for whoever is behind this." He said as he started to look around the room to find where the shooter was.

"Ok." Kunikida said as he went off in the direction of the sound. Once he got to where he thought the gunshot sound came from he noticed that there was something off about the area when he first entered.

He quickly moved out of the way when someone dressed in all black came out from their hiding place with a gun in hand and was ready to hit him with it but ended up failing to do so instead.

And before he knew it more of them started to come out of their hiding places and Kunikida got to work with doging their attacks and knocking them out instead of killing them.

Once he was done dealing with that ambush he rushed back to find Dazai since he could also be ambushed too. When he got there the first thing he saw was Dazai busy fighting off a group of attackers.

He also noticed that there were a couple of them hopefully not dead on the floor not moving at all. However Kunikida heard some movement not too far behind from Dazai and noticed someone hiding up on one of the higher areas in the room.

"Dazai look out!" Kunikida shouted as he noticed that the person he saw was aiming their gun at him. Before Dazai had time to react the person had their hand on the trigger and was ready to shoot.

But Kunikida was quicker as he managed to get behind the person aiming the gun and knocked them out before they could fire it at Dazai.

It was silent as the last of them dropped to thr floor after being knocked unconsious , it seemed like there wasn't going to be any more ambushes. So with that their mission was over.

"Lets head back now." Kunikida suggested now that their mission was completed. Dazai agreed and they soon made their way out of the building and back to the agencey

It was a quiet walk back to the agencey as both Dazai and Kunikida were quite tired from the mission they just did. Once they arrived they noticed it was dead silent than usual.

This worried them since the agencey isn't normally that quiet. The first thing they did was open the door only to find the place looking like everyone had left.

As they walked in what they wasn't expecting was for everyone to suddenly appear out of nowhere.

"What's going on?" Kunikida asked. He was wondering if this was a normal thing to do at the agencey whilst Dazai was off trying not to laugh at him.

"You passed the exam."

"I passed?" He asked. "So does that mean the mission we went on was the actual exam?"

Now he was confused.

"Thats right you did." Dazai said whilst he was still trying not to laugh at him.

This was it. He did it. Kunikida never thought he would be where he is today it was honestly quite different but in a good way for him.

"Welcome to the agencey Kunikida!"

This chapter is now completed!!! At least I managed to make this one long.

Anyway hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading if you did.

Bye for now!


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