Chapter 6- The Spy

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It was now nighfall, the trio were currently all in Steve's car, the older boy driving down the road, the radio playing

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It was now nighfall, the trio were currently all in Steve's car, the older boy driving down the road, the radio playing.

It was quiet for a moment, before the older boy looked back at Dustin. "Wait a sec. How big?"

The Henderson boy pursed his lips, holding a hand up, showing a small size between his fingers. "First it was like that. Now he's like this." He held both his hands up.

Steve huffed, shaking his head slightly, looking back at the road. "I swear to God, man, it's just some little lizard, okay?"

Mischief smiled slightly, nodding in agreement. "Like the lizard from Spider-Man."

The Harrington boy nodded, gesturing to the girl, smiling softly. "Yeah, Perseus. Like the lizard from Spider-Man."

The girl then winced slightly, feeling a wave of pain shot through her body, it feeling as if it was on fire.

Dustin shook his head, sighing. "It's not a lizard."

"How do you know?" The older boy gave a look, waving a hand slightly.

The curly-headed boy looked at the Harrington boy, raising a brow. "How do I know if it's not a lizard?"

Steve nodded slightly, waving his hand around. "Yeah, how do you know if it's not just a lizard?"

The Henderson boy huffed, rolling his eyes. "Because it's face opened up and he ate my cat."

It went quiet after that, the older boy pursing his lips, before nodding to himself.

The pain only got worse for the Wheeler girl, her reaching up, gently rubbing across her chest, breathing shakily.

The girls mind then drifted to Max, wondering what the girl was doing, considering they haven't talked for a while.

After a moment, as soon as she thought of Max...

The pain went away.

They then arrived at Dustin's house, the older boy parking the car, before turning off the engine.

The three got out of the car, moving to the trunk, the older boy opening it up, looking into it, before grabbing his bat, throwing his keys at Dustin.

Mischief smiled widely, looking at the older boy as he closed the trunk, waving her hands about, her own bat in hand. "Hey, look at that! We're baseball bat twins!"

Steve just gave a deadpan look, playfully rolling his eyes, although couldn't stop the small smile forming on his face, ruffling the girls hair, finding her adorable. "Come on."

The older boy then walked around the house, towards the cellar, the younger teens following behind.

The three stopped outside of the cellar, the Harrington boy holding a flashlight in his other hand, shining it on the doors.

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