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•Chapter 1•
{New Year, New Me}

"I heard we were getting a new transfer student!"

"Really?! I hope they're a guy!"

"You hear that? Class 3 is getting a new student! And I heard they used to be in a gang!!"

'Good grief. Just one rumor and that causes a chain of events?'

Saiki Kusuo spoke to the audience in a monotone voice. The psychic didn't care much about new students as long as they didn't go against his plan of not standing out.

But with the past few transfer students...

That was near impossible to accomplish now. It was like they were drawn to him or something. And don't get him started on the first transfer student they had over 2 years ago.

Saiki shifts his eyes over to a 17-year-old teen who had great posture and was reading a study book. The teen had [H/C] hair that was tied into a ponytail. They also wore black glasses that looked funky on them.

'Meet Baji [Name]. They've been trying to talk to me ever since they sat next to me in middle school.'

Said teen felt Saiki stare and turned around to see him quickly look back to the front. This caused [Name] to flash him a grin that exposed their canine teeth. They turned around again and started to think.

'I hope they're in this class!'

'Hm? Do they know the transfer student personally?'

Soon the students stopped talking when the teacher stood in front of the class. They cleared their throat before speaking.

"Mister Matsuno, please step inside now." the teacher announced.

This caused the door to open and excite [Name] as they grinned. The door opened to reveal a teen of 5'8 in height and bright yellow hair that appeared to be styled in an undercut. The boy looked confident but once you looked inside his thoughts, you would think otherwise.

'I see Baji-san! Okay, play it cool Chifuyu!'

"Hello, my name is Matsuno Chifuyu and I just transferred from [School Name]. Hope we can get along." Chifuyu bowed after writing his name on the chalkboard.


'Well, this is awkward.'

"Well you can sit in front of Baji-Kun" the teacher instructed. Chifuyu went to where he was instructed and sat down. The whole class went as normal besides the few thoughts about him here and there.

What Saiki didn't know was that this was the start of where his new troubles would come to find him.

•End of Chapter 1•

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