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"Uh-" you looked back to Chifuyu and your classmates.

"... You guys are going to fight?!" Kaidou yelled.

"Shush!!" You glared. Chifuyu was sweating since he knew you wanted nobody to know about your past activities.

"Are you part of Dark Reunion?!" Kaidou gasped. You, Chifuyu, and Aren were quiet for a few seconds before Chifuyu spoke up.

"What the fuck is 'Dark Reunion'??" Chifuyu turned to you with a confused expression. You looked at him.

"It's something Kaidou made up.." You whispered to him. Chifuyu nodded. Aren stood there, just staring at you specifically. It was as if he knew what the two of you meant with the fight.

"Uh-" You paused before continuing. "We were just talking about a video game fight!" You quickly lied. You gave a nervous chuckle, hoping they would believe you.

Aren narrowed his eyes, watching you with great detail. Kaidou on the other hand, believed you, "Oh! I see!" He noted. You mentally sighed. The bell then rang, signaling everyone that it was time for lunch.

"As much as I would love to sit and chat, me and Chifuyu have to go eat and talk." You smiled at both classmates before you grabbed Chifuyu's sleeve and sped walked out of there.

The two of you kept walking till you reached an empty classroom. "Okay, we're good here..." You sat in an empty seat while the blonde sat in another. "Let's continue our conversation." Chifuyu nodded.

While the two of you talked, Saiki sweat-dropped. He was invisible at the moment; he only wanted to leave the classroom because of Aren but mostly Kaidou and Nendou.

He looked at the two of you and stared.

'So, they're both planning on fighting this other gang, huh?'

Saiki then used Clairvoyance and froze.

'Good grief... They're going to kill each other...'

Saiki stood up and left the room. He walked down the hallway before he stopped in front of Toritsuka. "Saiki! There you are! I heard from ghosts that some of your classmates are going to fi-"

"-Fight. I know, good god."

Saiki rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you going to do anything? They said that they're going to a GANG fight!!" Toritsuka sweated anxiously. Saiki paused. He remembered something. Something important. He sighed, then turned around to the pervert.

"Last time I did that, I gained a nuisance."

Toritsuka tilted his head, confused.


"Think about how Baji is there, alive."

Toritsuka froze. "Y-You mean... Baji isn't supposed to be here?!" His eyes widened. Saiki walked away, frowning.

'I'm not going to interfere. Not again...'

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