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Hey, I'm back! I just didn't have any ideas on how to continue the story from where I left it. And with the KOSA bill going around, I thought I wouldn't be able to write, so I just didn't.

But, heyy!! I'm gonna be writing as much as I can now! So enjoy!!


You walked down the street, losing your friends in the process. You sighed, "Damn, what were they expecting from me?" you chuckled.

You kept walking till saw a purple-haired boy with a pinkette, talking. You recognized the pervert but the girl? Nope! So you decided to walk over to them.

"Hey, Toritsuka." you waved, though half-heartedly.

"..." Toritsuka didn't say anything, in fact, he was speechless. He quickly turned to the girl. He seemed to try and tell her something with how hard he was staring at her. You sweatdropped.

'Who's this hunk of metal?!' he screamed in his head, directed towards the pinkette.

'That's Baji, dumbass.'

'Saiki, that can't possibly be that nerd in your class!! This guy is too hot to be him!!' he ranted to the boy.

'Good grief..'

"Yo, you good. You've been staring at that girl for an awfully long time.." your mouth strained. You hated perverts... Especially after what happened in 2005...

"Are you Baji-kun?!" the male screamed at you.

"Uh- yeah??" you raised an eyebrow.



After that happened, Toritsuka apologized to you. "I'm sorry for my outburst." you waved him off, looking away slightly due to the pinkette's blank stares.

The two started walking away, and you wondered. "Why does that girl look familiar?" you muttered.

You didn't get much thought time since you felt an ice-cold stare directed at your back. You turned around and froze at what you saw.

"Mikey..." you held your breath.

"[Name]..." he stood there, menacingly. "Dont get involved with this fight, it doesn't concern you." he glared.

"Of course, this fight concerns me! You're my friend, goddamn it!" you argued.

"Last time you got involved in a gang fight, you almost killed yourself.." ouch, really rubbing salt into the wound...

Meanwhile, that conversation was happening. Toritsuka and Saiki were hiding using the Psychic's ability to go invisible.

'I knew something was up with him, especially after the Okinawa trip.'

"That guy's a delinquent??..." the Medium stammered in fear. Back to you and your emo friend.

"I don't care what you say, Mikey. I am joining that fight." you stubbornly finalized your decision. Mikey only glared back at you.

"Fine, be that way." you saw him walking away and after he was gone, you sighed. Relief flowing over your posture.

'Don't worry Mikey, we'll save you.' you huffed in determination.



Saiki's eyes widened, he was speechless. He thought he and Toritsuka were the only ones!

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