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A couple of days went by with you ignoring questions regarding the encounter with the Haitani brothers.

You and Chifuyu walked down the street with hardened gazes. The blonde looked towards you with a concerned frown, wondering what was going on in your head.

"Uhm… Baji-san, what's the plan?" Chifuyu asked, catching up with your pace. You looked toward him and slowed down to a stop.

You sighed, "the plan is to prepare for any casualties that may happen. This is Mikey we're talking about. The Invincible Mikey."

Chifuyu blinked, understanding what you meant. The two of you continued walking in silence before stumbling against another figure.

This man had gray hair that was swooped to the side. He seemed to be scowling like a little richy rich boy would. It was funny, tbh.

The boy tsked with a glare and walked away before the duo could apologize.

"What's his problem?" you deadpanned. Chifuyu shrugged before walking away with you matching his pace.


Summer vacation went by as fast as it could, since it was only a mere 40 days. But, Toman was making plans.

Takemichi dragged you and Chifuyu away from the others with a concerned look on his face.

"Guys, remember Bloody Halloween?" the faux blonde questioned.

You and your best friend nodded, sensing the atmosphere becoming grim.

Takemichi sighed, "What if Mikey has a plan to get Baji-kun out of the fight by means that are... wrong?" He expressed his thoughts.

You nodded, humming. "Last time he and I talked, he seemed... I don't know, reluctant to have me join this fight. He really didn't want me to join." you informed.

The duo nodded, taking in your words. You looked up, looking straight at Takemichi. "Why ask? Did you get another vision or something?"

He nodded before telling you and Chiduyu what he saw.


You and the blonde arrived back at school, already wanting to go back to the comforts of your homes.

"Heard there's a new transfer student coming today!"


"Yeah, he's the heir to the Saiko Group."

'Good grief. Another transfer student? Oh, hello there. We haven't seen each other in a while.'

Saiki looked ahead, a blank look being the only thing he was displaying.

"The Saiko Group is a massive corporation only rivaled by the Nakagawa Group."

'So he is one of those rich characters you see in manga.'

"Why would a rich kid be coming here?"

Y'know. That was a valid question. Soon after that, the teacher arrived with an old man behind him.

"Settle down everyone. Before we begin, let me introduce our new student." After she said what she needed to, a red flowing carpet rolled into the classroom as a male teen walked on it. "Saiko Metori."

The boy had gray hair that was slicked back. You and Chifuyu froze as everyone started expressing their shock.

Saiko sighed. "Yes, I'm the Saiko Metori. Let me warn you, I have no intention of mingling with you peasants. Do not speak to me." The guy smirked while looking at everyone with a stink eye.

Everyone just sat in their seats, processing his words with dejected looks.

The teacher looked back at Saiko and nodded. "Right, take a seat there." But the boy denied and pointed to someone whose name I cannot remember. I think it's Takahashi or something, idk.

"You, peasant with the curly green hair, sit somewhere else."

The boy jumped, pointing to himself with a confused look. "Me? Why not somewhere else, you rich guy?"

"Just because I'm rich doesn't mean that makes me great. I'm already great."

"I didn't even insult you-" The teen stopped when Saiko took out a wad of Yen. He quickly turned around to the homeroom teacher and said they'll be switching seats.

"Did he buy you off?!"

"Nah, of course not."

Chifuyu looked at you with uncertainty while you just stared ahead, thinking.

'If he gives me money, I can buy so much Yakisoba with that.'

Saiki sighed.

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