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You walked out of school, Chifuyu staying behind since the teacher asked for him. You sighed, not knowing what to do. While you were walking, you spotted some of your classmates. You wondered what they were doing there.

You walked a little closer until you heard familiar voices.

"Just tell him to leave the fight and we'll be good, alright?" A male with braids smiled. You tsked, knowing who this was.

"W-We don't know who you even are, leave us alone!" A blue-haired girl stammered out. You kind of knew who she was; she was that pretty girl in your class. Teruhashi Kokomi or something. You walked over to the group before stopping behind them.

"What's going on here?" You questioned. The brothers looked in your direction before the eldest smirked.

"There you are, Baji-chan!" Your eye twitched. You didn't even know this fucktward!! "You see, boss ordered us to stop you by all means necessary for you to drop out of the fight..." Ran paused before he grabbed his baton.

"But he never said what our methods could be!♥" He and his brother ran past your classmates before reaching you. Once they did, you quickly blocked his hit by using your arm.

Since you were distracted, you couldn't block Rindous attack; he used the back of his elbows to strike your spine. You hissed, using your other arm to punch him in the face.

"T-There gonna kill him!" Kaidou shrieked. Saiki just stared, unmoving.

'I, the jet-black-wings, doesn't know what to do!!'

Saiki sweat-dropped, still viewing the fight in front of him.

Since these two were the infamous Haitani Brothers from Rappongin, they were strong. REALLY strong. They allegedly killed someone while beating them. Their fighting styles are the real danger since together, they're like devils. Or something.

You were getting pretty roughed up, blood coming out of your mouth a bit. Their punches hurt, but you weren't backing out. Another girl gasped.

"Look out!" The brunette cried out. You quickly dodged to the right, barely missing a fist full of brick coming your way. You glared at the youngest before launching your own attack at his face, damaging his glasses.

"You motherfu-" You were cut off by Ran hitting you in the head with his baton. You fell to the ground and quickly jumped back up.

"Wow, you're much more stubborn than what Mikey had told us." Rindou sighed. Before the two brothers could continue their assault, someone quickly jumped in front of them.

"Stop!" Teruhashi shouted.

'There's no way they would attack a pretty girl like me! They'll stop and beg for forgiveness! Then I'll look at them with heartbroken eyes!'

Since the girl had her eyes closed, she didn't see that they didn't stop. Because of that, you quickly grabbed her and held her under you as they attacked your back.

Teruhashi gasped, looking up at your face. It was as if time had stopped for her. Just you and her.

'Oh wow..'

'Good grief.'

Saiki just stared, dumbfounded. Meanwhile, you were cursing under your breath. That hurt like a bitch.

"Heh, still taking that rule seriously?" Ran laughed. You shifted your head a bit and glared.

"Baji-san!" You looked behind the Haitani brothers and saw Chifuyu and a few others. "Chifuyu." You greeted like you weren't just attacked.

"Are you okay?!" Takemichi cried, he couldn't risk another death. He just couldn't. You assured you were alright, but your classmates said otherwise.

"What?! No, you were just beaten!"

"Pal, are you okay?!"

"You were attacked with a baton!!"

"You need help."

There was one who stayed silent though. It was Aren. He didn't know what to feel. All he thought he knew about you was that you were heartless. But, guess he was wrong since you protected the popular pretty girl.

Or maybe you wanted praise from her. He couldn't judge just yet.

"Well isn't this a nice, cute reunion? It sickens me~!♥" Ran chuckled. They were about to attack again if it weren't for a ringing to sound out.

"Oh... It seems like our fun ran out~" The oldest Haitani frowned.

"We'll probably see each other on September 9th, though~!♥" He smiled. "Since you're so stubborn..."

Silence followed after that. But was soon broken by him again. "Bye~!♥" They walked away, Ran waving at the group while Rindou looked straight ahead. Once they left, the PK Academy students started spiraling.

"Who was that Baji-Kun?!"

"Buddy, are those your friends?"

"Are you part of Dark Reunion?!"

"Do you need to go to the hospital?!!"

"Good grief..."

"Enough!" You shouted. They quieted down due to your unexpected voice. "Yes, I don't need to go back to the hospital. Second, I am not part of Dark Reunion. Third, they're not my friends, they're the Haitani Brothers." You stated.

"I know who they are." You all turned to Aren; he took off his glasses to stare off into the distance, the wind flowing in his hair.

'What the fuck...'

"Who are they, Kuboyasu?" Kaidou timidly asked. Aren looked at him and sighed.

"They're delinquents who are in the Kanto Manji Gang. They're dangerous; they usually only attack if they want to or provoked. But since they work under someone, I guess they attacked Baji for that reason. But question is, how do they know each other..." Aren turned around slowly, the rest following on.

You stayed silent, helping Teruhashi up from the ground. She stood up with a small blush, thanking you. You nodded before sighing.

"Yeah, so what if I know them?"

"But, how? Tell us Baji, why did they attack you?" Aren narrowed his eyes.

"..." You stayed silent once again.

'You're not going to get answers out of him for a while... Especially since the author wants this fanfiction to go over 20 chapters.'

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