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You and the second generation of Toman were hanging out near where Smiley, Angry and Inui currently worked. You all were chatting beside the motorcycle store, not even noticing three familiar figures entering the store. You looked back and saw Kaidou, Aren and...


Your face became neutral before turning back around to Takemichi and Chifuyu. "Let's chat somewhere else." You asked Senju to inform you if anything happens and she gave a thumbs up with a grin.

After that, you three walked outside and to the back of the store where the tracks were.

"Why're we outside right now, Baji-kun?" Takemichi asked, frowning. You rubbed the back of your neck before Chifuyu answered instead.

"Those three were Kaidou, Kuboyasu and Saiki. Right?" You nodded, remembering what you told the blonde.


The boy looked at you as he was restocking pet items. "Yeah? Is something the matter, Baji-san?"

You nodded. "It's about Bloody Halloween."

The boy froze before looking around and back at you. "What about it?"

"I know how I survived."

"Yes, it was." You confirmed. You crossed your arms, feeling uncomfortable. You felt guilty that you spilled Saiki's secret, but that near-death experience was emotionally connected to a large number of people close to you.

And especially Chifuyu, your best friend. You felt like you needed to tell him. He was the only other person who knew; you hadn't even told the time-leaper. Though, you knew he would find out because of this conversation.

"Saiki had been ignoring me all day at school, today. Even when I tried walking up to him like before, he just teleports away." You frowned.

Takemichi's eyes widened. "Teleport? Does he have a Teleportation ability? Like my Time-Leaping?" He gasped.

You and Chifuyu shook your heads. "No, he has more than one-"

The door behind you two burst open. You three looked back in shock to see Saiki frowning with Aren and Kaidou behind him confused. You and the pink-haired teen stared at each other before you broke it off.

"Let's go, Chifuyu. Takemicchi." You walked away. Both blondes looked at you with sympathy before following. 

Whil you three walked away, you thought about how soon the fight would start. It's been at least two months since you were first notified of the fight between Kanto. While you were at home, you had gotten a phone call. You grabbed your phone and looked at the caller id. It was Takemichi who was calling.

You answered. "Hey, what do you need Takemicchi?" You hummed, nodding. "Okay, I'll be there." You hung up and walked toward your closet. You grabbed your Toman uniform and put it on.

After that, you snuck out of your home and walked down the street while looking at your phone for updates. While you were distracted, you accidently bumped into someone.

You looked up surprised after apologizing.


[A/N: Who should you bump into? Saiki or Aren?]

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