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'Good grief...'

Saiki sighed as he rewinded time. He was just minding his own business before he intervened. [Name] was going to be the death of him, he swore. Remember in the earlier chapters, where Saiki used one of his powers?

He looked at the two of you and stared.

'So, they're both planning on fighting this other gang, huh?'

Saiki then used Clairvoyance and froze.

'Good grief... They're going to kill each other...'

Yeah.... That was what he saw. There was another one but that's not important right now.

[Name]'s eyes widened as he saw Saiki in front of him with his hands out, both blocking the bat while simultaneously turning back time by a day. After the pinkette finished, he looked back to see that everyone was gone. Including the nunsense he resuscitated.

He sighed before teleporting back to his room after finding a hiding spot. Once he saw the familiar wallpaper, he slumped before turning around in a flash. There, he saw [Name] staring at him with a calculating gaze.

"'Sup, Saiki." The [H/C]ette gave a peace sign as he munched on some treats Saiki's mom made.

"What're you doing here?"

Saiki frowned, walking toward the delinquent. [Name] swallowed his treat before standing up.

"I had a crazy dream where I almost died before someone intervened. And the thing is, it reminded me of when I almost died on Halloween. Saiki, those two times, there was someone with pink hair." [Name] walked closer to the psychic.

"I'm just saying, it's a coincidence that somebody who looks like you was there." The teen crossed his arms while staring at Saiki in the eyes.

The younger teen frowned before placing his hand out. A weirdly shaped banana formed in his hand before he swung at [Name]'s head. Though it never made contact as the latter dodged and stopped near his door.

"I knew it. You also have abilities." The 17-year-old grinned.

"What do you want? Fame, money?"

Saiki glared. [Name] paused and shook his head. "What? No, the fuck. I was just curious about some things."

"Well, what are they?"

[Name] sighed before sitting down on the floor. He looked up before beginning, "I just want to know why you even bothered to heal me when I was on my deathbed. Back then, we both didn't even know each other. Hell, I don't think you like me. Let alone, anybody." He chuckled, somberly.

"So, why?"

Saiki stood there quietly, not saying a word before he sighed.

"I don't know."

[Name] rolled his eyes. "You don't know? Or you just wont tell me?"

"I don't know, Baji. I just had a vision and... Intervene like you said."

[Name] shook his head before walking towards the door. He paused before looking back at the 16-year-old. "Though, I'd have to thank you. Now me and my friends can meet somewhere else so Kanto can't incapacitate me." He grinned, bitterly.

He walked through the door and down the hallway after that, leaving Saiki with his thoughts. Saiki cursed, now someone else knew about his powers and he couldn't even take their fucking memories away.

What was happening to him? Back in Junior High, he would've done that in a snap. But ever since that blonde transferred to their school, it's been confusing for him. The reason he hasn't been in recent chapters was because of Matsuno hogging the [H/C] male all to himself and their delinquency.

The only time he appeared was for being a background character. Just to be there. He tsked before walking to his bead and sat down. He looked at his bedroom door before his attention was grabbed to the hidden camera in the corner of his room.

He sighed.

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