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"Baji-san, what was that back there?" Chifuyu asked while walking beside [Name]. Meanwhile, the taller of the two was having his own little monologue.

'Who was that back there? I feel like I remember him but from where??' He frowned. The both kept walking till they reached the gates of the school. "So, Chifuyu. What was this about gangs...?" [Name]'s eye twitched.

"O-oh, yeah. Um, me and Takemicchi made... Tomansecondgenerationtobeatkantomanjigang." Chifuyu chuckled nervously. They both stood across each other in silence as [Name] sighed.

"Omfg... And you said you wanted me to join? To defeat the rip-off Toman and Mikey?"

"Yes!" Chifuyu confirmed.


"I am for real, Baji-san!" Chifuyu cried. The two walked down the street till they heard a motorcycle engine from behind them two. They both turned around and saw Takemichi and Hakkai on the blonde's vehicle.

"Baji-kun!!" The faux-blonde cried.

"Oh, it's the punching bag." [Name] pointed.

Takemichi sulked while Hakkai took charge. "So did Baji agree or noo...?" he eyed Chifuyu. The blonde shook his head.

"No, he didn't say anything yet." he sweated.

"You have no idea how long it took us to get here only for you to not have an answer yet, Baji-kun!!" Takemichi wailed.

"Quit your whining, Takemicchi." [Name] rolled his eyes. "I just found out about this at lunch, okay? And of course, I'll join. I'm not going to let Mikey hurt himself. Neither will Draken, right?" He grinned.

The trio froze and stared at each other. "You didn't tell him, Chifuyu?!" Takemichi gritted his teeth.

"I didn't have time to!!"

"Where's Draken...?" [Name] spoke softly.

"Uhm!" The trio started sweating but gathered themselves to bring out the bad news. "Well, you see... He... Died protecting Me and Senju from being shot..." Takemichi's voice lowered as he continued talking.

[Name] sighed and gave a small smile, "I'm glad he didn't die for nothing..." The other three smiled at this in sadness. "Enough depressing shit! Are the others joining as well?" [Name] grinned. But you could tell he was still sad that his ex-vice leader died. But he thought he couldn't show weakness yet.

"Oh, yeah! Actually, you're the last person we asked since, y'know. You live pretty far now." Chifuyu giggled nervously.

"... Wow, I thought we had something, Matsuno." [Name] jokingly turned away with fake tears.

"Baji-kun!" Takemichi cried. The trio were then seen running by passers who sweat dropped when they heard laughing in the distance.

{A/N: Another short chapter, sorry 'bout that X(}

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