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"Hello, my name is Kuboyasu Aren, I've come from-" Just as the student was introducing himself, he paused. The reason behind this was that he spotted two very popular ex-delinquents sitting right next to each other.




"... Well, you can sit behind Kaidou over there." The teacher broke the silence.

Time went on with nothing interesting happening. Well, if you count Aren staring right at [Name] and Chifuyu interesting, then yeah, that happened. As soon as the bell rang, Chifuyu and [Name] stood up and decided to have a nice civil conversation with their new classmate.

"Hey, you must be Kuboyasu, right?" Chifuyu asked.

"Yeah...?" Aren raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I'm Matsuno Chifuyu and this is-"

"Baji [Name]. Yeah, I've heard of you both, ex-Captain and ex-Vice-Captain of Toman's first division squad." Aren scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Okay, good. You know us. That means I don't have to introduce myself." [Name] sighed in relief.

"Baji-san!" Chifuyu elbowed his ex-captain in the stomach.

"Okay, okay! I'm Baji [Name]. Ex-Delinquent. Nice to meet you, Kuboyasu." [Name] sneered.

'Who does this punk think he is!? Acting all high and mighty!? Even after embarrassing me in front of my old gang!?'

'This Kuboyasu guy seems familiar, but I don't know where from...'

'Kuboyasu knows of Baji's past?'

Saiki's eyes both widened for a split second before returning back into a blank expression. He shifted his eyes over to the side and saw Kuboyasu glaring at [Name], while he had a neutral expression. Chifuyu on the other hand had a nervous look placed upon his face.

"Um, Baji-san, I think we should get going now." Chifuyu suggested.

"Good idea, let's go." [Name] sighed and turned around and started walking away, with Chifuyu right behind him.

Now, you may be thinking, "How does Aren know [Name]?" Well...

Let's go back to the year 2004.


[Name] was walking down the sidewalk with a bag of dorayaki. He had a scowl plastered on his face for one reason only. He lost a bet. Against Mikey of all people. But yeah, now he had to get him whatever the boy wanted. And Mikey made him all the way to the other side of the neighborhood just to get it.

You may be thinking, "Why can't he just use his motorcycle?" Well, Mikey being the little shit that he is, said ON FOOT. The audacity.

So, as he was walking, he heard noises descending from an alleyway. It was the sound of punching and grunting. [Name], being the teenager that he is, said fuck it and entered the dark passageway. He stopped walking when the bloody body of a kid older than him dropped dead right in front of him.

He looked down at the body then up at a dead-end full of older delinquents. He tilted his head and just stood there. He saw one of the older ones, whisper something to one that looked about his age. The other kid nodded and started to walk over to him.

"What're you doing here, you punk?" The pompadour wearing kid yelled in his face. [Name] punched him in the face.

"Damn dog, did nobody teach you manners? Getting in someone's face is rude. And beating somebody innocent up? Thats not the kind of delinquents that should be admired." To be honest, [Name] didn't care if they were a popular gang, he was too angry that he wanted to beat something up.

Way to go, Mikey! Feuling his anger! Yippy!

The sudden punch caused the other kid to fall back on his ass in pain. "Augh..." He brought his hand up to his face and cradled it. "What the hell...?" He glared at [Name] but widened his eyes when he didn't see neither [Name] nor the other whom they beat up.

The pompadour kid was fuming that someone had the guts to punch someone from [gang name]! And in front of the whole gang too! This kid now had one goal outstanding his others. He was going to teach this bitch a lesson.

For his name wasn't Kuboyasu Aren!!

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