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"You're being transferred to Siberia?! What?!" You gaped at your mom, who had a serious look on her face. She looked at you and nodded.

"Yes, and you know how it is in Japan. If I'm transferred somewhere else, I have to go." She walked up to you and patted your shoulder. You frowned and hugged her as she did it back.


"Mrs. Baji is going where?!" Chifuyu shrieked in bewilderment. You nodded with a sigh. The blonde gaped before shaking his head.

"So, are you going with her?" He asked, hoping that wasn't the case.

You nodded, pissed. "And after that, while I was walking to here, I found out that the trains were under maintenance and I was almost late." You sighed, tsking. But you froze when a familiar ring came from your phone. You picked it up and smiled in relief.

Chifuyu noticed and asked you what happened. "Apparently, they got the staff member wrong and they're transferring someone else."

Chifuyu's eyebrows rose in surprise. "That fast?" You nodded.


"Okay, that was my mistake. So, this Baji pleb isn't acquainted with my beautiful Kokomi?" Saiko questioned.

Everyone else nodded; Saiki blinking.

Teruhashi sighed, thanking the Kami who favored her.

'Thank you, Kami!'

Saiki sighed.


You and Chifuyu were visiting Shibuya while walking down the street in casual clothing. You both were going to meet up with the other members of Toman. You were all planning on meeting up at a cafe that was allowed to women and if they had male guests too.

But since it was suspicious of why there were so many men and only one girl, you were planning on hanging out a couple stores away.

You both arrived and waited for the others to show up. The first to show up were Inui Seishu and Akashi Senju. The only reason you knew the ex.Black Dragons member was because Chifuyu was telling you all what was happening over the phone.

You greeted them both and dabbed up Senju, who grinned in return. "Hey, [Name]!"

"Sup." You grinned.

Soon, Smiley and Angry, Mitsuya and Hakkai, Pah-Chin and Peh-Yan, and Takemichi arrived. Though the latter seemed to be out of breath, as if he was running urgently.

You took notice and asked him if he was alright. He nodded frantically and seemed to be on edge even though he had no reason to. You shrugged, though kept an eye on him.

You all went and sat at an empty table and started informing everyone of ideas for the main plan. Everyone nodded, seemingly agreeing. A waiter walked up and took your orders and waited.

"How's life here, [Name]? Matsuno?" Senju asked as she sipped her drink. You shrugged, nothing really being noteworthy besides Aren.

Chifuyu hummed, thinking. "Oh! We got another new student yesterday from the Saiko Group."

Everyone hummed and nodded, not caring about it.

Saiki sighed.


Saiki here was walking by with his family with a blank expression. Though that's a different situation for the show to solve.


After the group had gotten their meals, they left after paying. They walked down the street, talking about what they had been doing the days before. You and Chifuyu walked slowed down to match the faux blonde's pace and looked at each other.

"Takemicchi, is it happening today?" You asked the time leaper, crossing your arms.

The man nodded, looking ahead in anticipation. Chifuyu frowned and looked around. You and Takemichi did the same, looking at every crevasse and alleyway. A teenager walked past your friends and over to you with a small smile on their face.

They stopped in front of the three of you with a smile. "Hi, you must be Baji-kun." They tilted their head.

You cautiously nodded after a minute before more teens came running out. They grabbed all of you and your friends ahead.

"What the hell?!" Smiley hissed.

Inui tsked, "These are Kanto's members!"

You sneered. Your arms were bound behind your back as they made you take a knee. The people around started circling around the commotion with interest, though some ran to get the police.

One of the members came walking up with a metal bat. "Boss did say we have to incapacitate him any way possible, right?" They smirked as they handed it to the ring-leader.

"You're right. I don't think he'll mind how we do it." They grinned. They raised their arm above your skull and swung.


It never made contact.

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