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"Eh? Kuboyasu?" Your eyes widened as you saw the teen with purple hair rubbing his shoulder. He looked at you with a glare before he paused.

"Oh. Hey." He muttered. He looked at you up and down, blinking. "You're wearing a Toman uniform."

You sweatdrop, nodding after a minute. "Yeah, I am..."

Well, this was awkward... Anyways. After that, you started to walk around the other teenager and started making your way. Aren, sensing this, quickly walked over to you and matched your pace.

"Why're you wearing a Toman uniform now? Toman disbanded two years ago."

You paused before continuing. You sighed, "There's a Second Generation of the Tokyo Manji Gang. I'm a member of it now."

Aren still wasn't satisfied. "Either way, aren't you disappointing your mother by joining one?"

You sighed in frustration. "Look, Kuboyasu. What I do in my free time is none of your fucking business."

Aren scoffed. "It is since I'm also a delinquent. It isn't worth it to throw away your life for a fight." He frowned

"What do you know what's good for me?"

"That's my opinion!"

You tsked. "You don't even know me!"

Aren sighed. "I know enough about Mikey that he'll fucking kill you! The first time should've been an eye opener!"

You fully turned around because of this. "I'm doing this because of Mikey! I don't care that I almost killed myself! It was to protect my friends!! If you have a problem with that, you can kindly fuck off!"

Aren frowned. "I know I said I didn't give a shit about you-"

"-You've literally never said that-"

"-But I'm coming along!"

You stared at him with a deadpan before muttering. "Oh for fucks sake..." You shrugged him off, continuing with your journey. The purple-haired boy followed right after.


"We're here." You both arrived at a shrine near an old station. You walked up the stairs where your friends were residing. Aren, upon seeing you ascend the stairs, walked close behind.

After you both made it to the top, you waved to your old and new friends. Once Aren stopped beside you, Chifuyu gently dragged you to the side while staring at your guy's classmate.

"Baji-san, isn't that Kuboyasu?" You nodded, sighing.

"He invited himself after acting a bit weird. He insisted on coming along even though I said so." You sighed. You walked with the boy and stood to the side while Chifuyu continued walking forward.

Soon, a pair of twins appeared next to you, one of them smiling with the other had an excited glint in his eyes.

"This is exciting." Angry spoke up.

Smiley chuckled. "It's been two years since we've all met up!"

「2nd Gen Tokyo Manji 4th Division Vice-Captain」Kawata Souya

「2nd Gen Tokyo Manji 4th Division Captain」Kawata Nahoya

"I reached out to former Toman members and 50 of 'em came!" Pah-Chin walked up with a grin while rubbing his shoulder.

"This uniform feels the best, after all!" Peh-Yan followed after his childhood friend.

「2nd Gen Tokyo Manji 3rd Division Captain」Hayashida Haruki (Pah-Chin)

「2nd Gen Tokyo Manji 3rd Division Vice-Captain」Hayashi Ryohei (Peh-Yan)

You looked at them with a dead-pan, "Huh?! So I was the last person to be invited here!!"

「2nd Gen Tokyo Manji 1st Division Captain」Baji [Name]

Akkun and the rest of Takemichi's friends showed up and bowed. "Mitsuya-kun, thanks for making uniforms for us too."

「2nd Gen Tokyo Manji 1st Division Member」Sendo Atsushi (Akkun)

「2nd Gen Tokyo Manji 1st Division Member」Yamagishi Kazushi

「2nd Gen Tokyo Manji 1st Division Member」Yamamoto Takuya

「2nd Gen Tokyo Manji 1st Division Member」Suzuki Makoto

Mitsuya smiled as he and Hakkai turned to them. "Don't mention it!"

"Taka-chans thoughtfulness knows no bounds." Hakkai grinned.

「2nd Gen Tokyo Manji 2nd Division Captain」Mitsuya Takashi

「2nd Gen Tokyo Manji 2nd Division Vice-Captain」Shiba Hakkai

Soon two figures walked forward but the two stayed silent as they stared at Takemichi and Chifuyu.

「2nd Gen Tokyo Manji 1st Division Vice-Captain」Inui Seishu

「2nd Gen Tokyo Manji 5th Division Captain」Kawaragi senju

"The second generation of Tokyo Manji kickoff meeting begins now!!"

「2nd Gen Tokyo Manji Vice-President」Matsuno Chifuyu

Takemichi walked forward with a determined look plastered on his face.

「2nd Gen Tokyo Manji President」Hanagaki Takemichi

"First off, I want to apologize to everyone." Takemichi bowed, "I'm sorry for getting you all involved."

He stood up and continued on with his speech. "I lost to Mikey-kun in the battle of the three deities... And was in despair but I stand before you all now. I know someone like me doesn't have it in him to be president. The president of Tokyo Manji is Mikey-kun after all."

Aren stood in the sidelines as he stared at the ground, listening to the speech managed by the so-called 'Cry-baby Hero'.

"But, I realized something in the battle of the Three Deities. Mikey-kun's a different person now. We can no longer... Bring back the old Mikey-kun."

Everyone stood in silence and waited for Takemichi to finish this important speech of his.

"But, I... Wanna beat Mikey-kun!!" He suddenly screamed, shocking everyone as he put his entire heart and soul into it.

"We're about to crush Kanto Manji!! I will absolutely win!! I won't let this end while we've lost!! So, all of you... Let's go take back what we've given up!!"

Takemichi calmed down for a moment before continuing. "This isn't just for me. This is our..."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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