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You stared at the spot where Mikey used to be, sighing. You rubbed your eyes and stared at the floor, shivering. You looked in a certain area, narrowing your eyes. Saiki froze along with Toritsuka, the former cursing in his head.

'Nobody is supposed to even sense me, so how can Baji even?!'

"Eh, there's nothing there.." You sweatdropped. You looked up at the sky, like a main character, thinking.

'Takemicchi better have a plan or else he better pray his time-leaper abilities will save him.' You smirked, devilishly.

Saiki paused again, this time Toritsuka looking at him confused. 'Saiki? What's wrong?'

'I-I thought me and Toritsuka were the only Psychics?! Whos this 'Takemichi'??'

"Baji-kun! There you are!" You turned around to face the trio you were running from earlier. Takemichi, Chifuyu, and Hakkai all running and looking like they've run a marathon.

"I'm so gonna tear you to shreds! Do you have any idea how long it took me and Shiba-kun to get here!!?" Takemichi glared at you.

"It took us over 14 hours! And you don't even have an answer!!" he continued.

"Actually, I do."

"Huh?" the trio paused.

"I'll join you. Besides, Mikey's my friend. I care for him.." you stared at the ground.

The idiot trio sadly looked at you and nodded. "Thank you Baji-san!!" Chifuyu grinned.

"So where's this fight taking place? Cause if it's back in Shibuya, I'm gonna have to make up a lie not just for my mom, but for my school." you deadpan.

"From what we heard from Yamagishi, it's actually taking place here in Hidari. Well, more specifically in the outskirts. Near the old train rails." you nodded. But then paused.

"Takemicchi... If the fight was taking place here either way, why did you complain whether or not I had an answer??!" you growled at the blonde.

"I forgot okay!!?"

You tsked. "You guys even have a place to sleep?" you rose an eyebrow.

"Well, we planned to stay with Chifuyu. Y'know, like a long sleepover. With the rest of the others." Hakkai answered.

"Wait. How many people did you guys go to before me?" you questioned.

"... A-about, more than five..." Takemichi nervously grinned. Silence enveloped the whole group but was broken by your outburst.

"So I'm the last person you went to??!"

"Anyways, so what's the plan now that Baji is on board?" Hakki turned to the blondes.

"Don't ignore me!!"

"Hmm, Takemicchi. Any ideas?" Chifuyu asked.

"You guys suck!!"

"Well, since Baji is one of the last founding members of Gen 1, people are bound to know he's strong. So we have to have him as our main support." Takemichi strategized.


'It's been a week since Chifuyu and that Kuboyasu guy transferred here. And for some reason, Kuboyasu always glares at me.' You sweatdrop. You looked over at him and saw nobody at his desk.

Meanwhile, you and Chifuyu were talking about gang matters. Saiki, on the other hand, was sitting in silence.

'Ever since that Matsuno guy appeared, it's like my whole routine has been haywire. Is this what people call 'missing someone'? That's absurd. Why would I miss Baji?'

Saiki was looking at his desk when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Yo, I'm Kuboyasu." The purple-haired guy introduced himself. A few minutes went by as Aren kept talking to the Psychic. The latter ignoring him.

Seconds went by before Saiki unleashed his ultimate attack. His annoyed face. It worked but kinda ticked off the ex-punk. Aren looked around after leaving but his gaze stopped at you and Chifuyu.

'There's no way I'm gonna talk to him. The other seems fine, but he's friends with him.' Aren tsked.

"Hey, new kid. My name is the Jet Black Wings. This world is a boring place in which you wait for death to come..." At that point, Kaidou was just ranting about his delusions.

After his rant, what he said shocked Aren. "I also saw you looking at Baji and the other new kid. Why not join them both!" Kaidou smiled. Aren was seething inside but tried to play it cool.

"O-oh, no. I don't want to annoy them."

"C'mon!" Kaidou the delulu placed his hands on both soldiers and guided Aren to you and your friend.


"So when is this fight going to start?" You asked. Chifuyu stopped and thought.

"I think in around four months." You nodded but froze when you saw Aren and Kaidou standing next to your desk, shocked.


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