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"Kazutora." Said male looked up, over at you. His eyes widening.

"You... Are not... Gonna kill me." As you said that, you plunged the blade into your stomach. Right after that, blood started pouring out of your mouth. It also started pooling around you from both wounds in your torso.

You fell backwards, hitting the back of your head in the process. Black spots started invading your eyesight.

'Good grief...'

A pinkette sighed. He had just received a dream vision. He got out of his room, already dressed.

"Hello, Ku~!" His mother greeted him. He greeted her back, taking a seat at the dinner table. "I made your favorite. Pancakes!" She smiled. They both started eating; Saiki's father had already left for the manga company.

After their breakfast, Saiki had left after saying bye to her. He turned invisible once he was certain the coast was clear. He floated over to the abandoned junkyard where this deadly fight was taking place.

'Now where is this kid?'

He looked around, still invisible. Soon after a few minutes, a couple of other delinquents started appearing. Saiki frowned, none of them were the one he was looking for.

A few minutes passed; both important gangs of the fight appeared. It was Toman and Valhalla. Saiki scanned both groups and paused. He had found him.

Baji [Name]. You appeared all the way in the back, apparently glaring at someone from the opposite gang.

'Kisaki, I'll kill you...' Your glare hardened. After the supposed leader of the headless angels punched the overseer, the fight had started. You disappeared halfway, only to come back with a metal pipe, striking a boy with glasses in the head.

'This is getting quite deadly...'

Saiki thought as he continued observing. He saw you aiming the pipe at the boy's head before a couple of other people started attacking you. You fought them both before being flung off of the rusted cars.

You landed on your feet and got up to continue fighting, but before that, one of the blondes blocked your way. But you hit his head, unblocking your passage.

Saiki sat at the top of a building, confused on when this supposive vision would take place. It didn't take long since a banana-haired boy ran to the [H/C] and plunged something into their back.

"Die... Baji... "

"Kazu... Tora.." You gasped before looking back at him. The boy stayed quiet before being punched in the face by one of the blondes.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He yelled.

"Baji-kun, are you alright?!!" The faux blonde gasped out.

"It's just a scratch." You gritted your teeth. Right after that, the blonde who yelled at Kazutora turned around, towards you.

"Baji-san, let us help you! We know about Kisa-" Before he could finish, you punched him in the face, along with the other.

"Shut up, Chifuyu." You walked away but once again, Chifuyu and the other blonde grabbed at you but stopped when around 50 members of Toman appeared. You tsked before lunging forward, attacking your formor members.

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