iii: so there's this boy

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It was now a Monday in October, Cecilia had a class that took all of the energy out of her: Food and Cooking Fundamentals. The class was basically masterchef except it's in a kitchen hotter than Nevada.

Cecilia changed into her chef's coat with some of the other girls in the locker room. Once again, she lost her track of time when she thought of Joesph.

"Hey! Get out of lalaland!"

One of the girls tugged her shoulder.

Her name is Addy, and became buddy buddy with Cecilia from the get go. The two of them were almost like twins separated at birth, as they shared a lot of common experiences in life and patterns. The only difference is that Cecilia was boy crazy while Addy was art crazy.

"We have lab in 5 minutes. And, you've been stuck in thought for 15 minutes. What is up with you? This is not the Cecilia that I know."

Cecilia made an awkward face before walking with Addy.

"Oh, you know it's nothing."

"Come on girl, it has to be something. Unless you are high off of edibles."

"NO. It is not that at all, why would you think that?"

"Girl, you've been off lately, really off. What got into your mind this time?"

Cecilia suddenly couldn't contain all of the emotions that she was feeling.

"Well, it's a long story actually."

That was when Chef Mac came in, stopping everybody in their tracks.

"Alright my little sous chefs, who's ready to cook? Come on in!"

Cecilia dreaded this class so much. Chef was one of the toughest graders ever and she always got below average marks in his class, which really brought her mood down.

Luckily, she was near Addy and while they were preparing pasta that week, she started to spill the beans.

"So, I have to tell you this, like this is crazy, bonkers. This is like a wattpad story what has been happening."


"YES! So, let me explain to you what has been going on."

Cecilia started boiling some alfredo pasta on the stove.

"There's this guy that I've known since high school. And well, I think I may have a teeny tiny crush on him."

That's an understatement.

"Anyways, we met after I broke up with my ex, who I told you about. The timing was so weird, like he came into my life at the perfect time. We were actually lab partners and were working on a project together one day when he passed me something and our hands brushed against each other. I noticed him and immediately felt sparks, this guy I have maybe seen once when I was younger, but never like this at all. After that, I couldn't stop thinking about him, he's the first thought when I wake up in the morning and the last thought before I go to sleep. When I noticed him more, I could see that he would always stare at me in class and in the halls, we walked past each other 4 times a day. Even during graduation, that was one of the most romantic moments ever, he and I walked past each other in the rain and seeing him like that made me take another look at him."

Addy made multiple shocked expressions.

"Girl, you are DOWN BAD. Have you ever spoke to this guy before?"

Cecilia chuckled.

"Not really, but I have his snapchat and we have a 94 day streak."

"You have a 94 day streak with a guy that you barely spoke with that you like. Do you even know anything about this guy?"

Cecilia nodded and smiled.

"Of course. His birthday is July 2nd which makes him a Cancer. He is very religious, like the vice president of his church's youth group, he knows how to play multiple instruments, and he has a heart, he's super kind but he's also super quiet. However, he tends to slack off in class."

"And this is all you know about him without talking to him at all?"


Addy sighed.

"One things for sure, I could've gone to you with my ex boyfriend to see if you could take a look at him."

"Do you think I'm crazy for telling you all of that?"

"Hmmm... slightly. By the way, you're pasta is about to get too soggy."

"Gah!" Cecilia snapped back to her senses and went to the sink to drain her pasta. She prayed that chef did not see her on her a game. If so, than more points are going to get taken off of her grade, and that is the last thing that Cecilia wants right now.

Her sauce was bubbling too, and suddenly she started to slightly panic. Her brain was going in 400 places and moving from point a to point b was absolutely impossible. However, she was still frozen in place.

She grabbed a taste testing spoon and tasted her sauce. It needed more flavoring. She quickly added a little more cheese and stirred it in. The cheese could fix the texture as well. She mixed the cheese in to make a heart in her sauce.

Finally, her pasta was done and she decorated her pasta with a heart as the garnish. Or, at least she tried. It ended up looking like stripes on an ugly christmas sweater. Regardless, she made it with lots of love.

She tasted her pasta and suddenly felt a wave of disappointment. It turned cold all of a sudden. And, she only had it out for 5 minutes.

At the end of the class, she was outside with a few other classmates including Elwich, Chichi, Stella, and Dani, all people of her cooking class.

"I really like this guy."

"She really likes this guy." Chichi added.

Cecilia's phone buzzed.

Joesph <3 sent a snap.

"AHH!" Cecilia jumped and everybody froze.

"Bestie, are you ok?" Elwich asked.

"She always gets like this." Chichi responded for Cecilia.

"No, he just sent me a snap." Cecilia danced around.

"And are you going to open it?" Stella wondered.

"No!" Cecilia still had a beaming smile on her face.

Everybody sighed and just looked at Cecilia as if she was one of the largest idiots in the world.

She danced around as if Joesph remembered she existed.

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