xlii: model for me

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Cecilia was reading a book in her computer class. All students at her college had to take a computer education class, and she was just finished with her class project.

All of a sudden, she hears her phone vibrate.

Kamil: "Hey."

She realized that the name seemed familiar and looked to the back of the classroom.

"Hi." She texted back.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"Would you do the honor of being a model for a project that I'm working on?"

"Wait, really?"

"Yes indeed. Here are the hours that the studio is open."

Kamil sent an image.

Cecilia scanned the image and saw a date that stood out to her: Tuesday night.

"I can do Tuesday night. I just have a class, but my professor always lets class out early."

"That's good."

"Is there anything that I should bring?"

"Just bring your best outfit."

What did that mean? Bringing your best outfit could mean a dress, or a pantsuit, or even a cosplay costume. It really made her confused.

Kamil and Cecilia walked out of class together and were chatting. He seemed like a very relaxed guy, but was just a bit older and already in a relationship. Not that Cecilia was in a rush to find a lover, she was still working on falling in love with herself. And besides, she needed time away from ANY romantic encounter with a man.

She went to grab Dunkin at the end of class and started to focus on her homework. While working on a video quiz, she heard her phone vibrate again.

Kyle texted her.

"I am so nervous for today."

That's right. It was Kyle's banquet today. Cecilia was still irritated at him. He knew that he made her irritated and since then, she doesn't talk to him anymore.

She swiped his name away from her phone and went back to her quiz.

"Grades over guys." She murmured.

She started to notice her B's turn into C's, and she's been pumping out work like a damn machine. As long as she has a coffee and a fueling desire for self empowerment, she can destroy anything that comes her way.

Until lunchtime, she stayed at Dunkin and got 10 assignments done, submitted, and ready to be graded.

Cecilia put her phone on charge and silenced Kyle's contact so that she doesn't have to see him cross across her mind. She grabbed a book, went on her bed, and cuddled with her cat who was excited for her to be home.

Friday passed by and Cecilia left class early. All of a sudden, she just went up and left without anything. She was still struggling with a bit, but it was due to the fact that she and Kyle had another fight.

She just texted him kind of late, after his banquet.

"I'm sure you did well."

"You bet your ass that we did. We did pasta, that's as easy as it can get."

"Wish that I was there."

"I wish you were too, babe."

She bit her lip.

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