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Hi friends, I hope you're doing well!! I'm still not quite over the fact that seokjin has now officially enlisted oh god iT'S STARTING, but alas two years to go😞✊ Anyways, I hope you enjoy this new part of oak; things are really ramping up!!


You're staring down at the glass of water in your hands, the chatter – or rather, shouting – of the bar's patrons hammering at your ears, overpowering the music that's playing in the background. A sense of exhaustion has settled in your muscles; you assume it's the adrenaline of the day finally starting to wear off. You're yet to muster up the energy to get up and go home, though– you don't even know if you should go home at all, considering how you left things with Taehyung, but you can't exactly stay here all night socialising with– with–

"Welcome back."

You jolt out of your thoughts and look up, lips parting when you see Yoongi has slid onto the bar stool next to you. He's still in his all-black outfit, his baseball cap now discarded. A strange feeling bubbles in your stomach, and you can't help but mentally repeat the loud gunshots that had pierced the air mere hours earlier, his latest victim collapsing to the ground right in front of your eyes.

At the same time, the small grin tugging at his lips and the glint of happiness in his eyes bring back memories you never thought you'd ever let yourself relive. Staying up late into the night to finish a movie marathon you severely underestimated, enduring early-morning runs together, eating pizza on the floor of the apartment he helped you move into, trying out Seokjin's increasingly ridiculous attempts at creating new drinks, making dinner together at his place, your place, his place again...

The warmth in your chest quickly douses when those memories are followed by bloodier, more violent ones. Gun ranges, combat training, days spent preparing for assignments. Sitting on a windy roof for hours on end, waiting for a target to show up before –

"Thanks," you reply, interrupting your own thoughts and pasting on a bright smile. You suppress the aggressive shivers threatening to run down your spine. "I guess we'll be working together again soon, after all."

Yoongi's grin widens and he nods slowly. "If you kept up on your target practice," he returns casually, gesturing to Seokjin to ask for a refill.

You tense involuntarily at the implication of his words, though you hide your scowl behind your glass as you take another sip. "I uh... I heard you took another job tonight," you start slowly, not quite sure why you'd even want to bring it up.

Yoongi softly thanks Seokjin when the man pours more Scotch into his glass. "Jealous, are you?" he asks, his eyebrows raised as he sips from his drink.

You laugh, shaking your head. "Curious is more like it."

"You've got too much cop in you," he remarks with a teasing smile.

Clearing your throat, you shrug, trying to calm your rapidly increasing heart rate. "Well, I have been working as one for a couple years now."

"Touché," Yoongi admits with a smile. He falls silent for a moment, looking at you before turning to stare into his glass. "I can't tell you much anyway. I don't really know a name, or a reason," he elaborates, swirling the amber liquid around before taking a sip. You nod, pretending to understand. The usual, then. "Don't really need to, though – Jimin said he had it coming," he finishes, shrugging once more as he puts his glass back down.

"So you still don't question the things he tells you?"

As soon as you see the look on Yoongi's face, you know you've fucked up. His eyebrows furrow and he tilts his head, ignoring the group of Scouts members cheering in the background for someone to down an entire pint of beer. "I trust his judgement," he replies slowly. "But I guess we're different in that sense."

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