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Hiii!! I hope you're all doing well♥ Things are getting......... darker and I have to admit I'm a little nervous about posting this oop; but anyways I hope you enjoy it!!


He stands in front of you, tense, stiff, and it feels like the wind has been knocked out of you. The chatter of everyone in the restaurant seems to fade away as you gape at him, hearing your blood rushing in your ears instead. He stares back at you – the look in his eyes is icy and it sends a shiver down your spine.

"Yoongi," you manage, your mouth suddenly incredibly dry. You feel out of breath, your heart jackhammering in your chest.

"Y/N," he replies calmly, voice as low as you remember it being. He looks the same, he sounds the same, he seems the same in every way – but every movement you make, every movement he makes feels stilted, rusty.

You let out a shaky breath, biting down on the inside of your cheek. "What the hell are you doing here?" you ask in a whisper, voice barely audible over the background noise.

His eyes flicker around the restaurant, closely following the people bustling around you as he replies, "I'm sure you know why."

Gritting your teeth, you force yourself not to look away, not to show any sign of weakness. "Enlighten me."

He hesitates, his piercing eyes staring straight into yours. For a second, you hope he's not going to say what you expect to hear. For a second, you just imagine that he'll only wish you good luck with life, turn around, and walk away – but you already know that that's only something you can get in your wildest dreams.

"I'm on assignment," he finally says, his voice low, the tone casual – too casual for what he's implying.

You take in a sharp breath, your hands and feet going cold, though you feel your cheeks flush red. You knew it was coming – Kim Jeongho's death should've been clue number one. "You're a few years late with that one."

The corners of his lips twitch downwards, eyes too busy scanning the room around you to notice the way you're glaring at him. "I know that you quit, and I know you want to stay away," he begins, taking a step forward. You take a step back in response and he breathes out a chuckle that almost sounds amused. "But you can't just do that, Y/N. You know that better than anyone."

"And yet I did," you retort. Any semblance of empathy or guilt you might have had slowly fades away, leaving behind only a burning feeling of anger.

Yoongi heaves a frustrated sigh, averting his eyes as he subtly shakes his head. "Well, you should really reconsider," he mutters, his gaze still scanning his surroundings. "It's the better option for everyone involved if we go back to how it was."

"You want me to go back?" you hiss in disbelief. Your hands curl up into fists, nails digging into your skin to the point where it becomes painful. "That's never gonna happen, Yoongi. I made up my mind about this years ago," you shoot back with a scowl, fists growing tighter and tighter. "I don't fucking care what the better option is."

Briefly, you swear you see the smallest of smiles flickering across his face, but you quickly throw out that possibility. He can't be smiling, not at this. "You don't even have to quit your current job," he tells you, tilting his head. His eyes narrow as he pauses briefly, clearly wanting to gauge your reaction – you try to show him nothing, though you can't help but frown. "You can live your life like you're living it now. No one has to know."

Your frown deepens. What the hell is he talking about? Why the hell is he even talking to you in the first place? He's on assignment and you can only assume that you're it – but you're never supposed to interact with your target like this. You're supposed to finish everything up cleanly, far away from the chaos that will inevitably ensue from someone collapsing where they stand, bleeding from a fresh set of bullet wounds.

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