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Hi friends, I hope you're all doing well!! Deadline season is STILL going on at my uni and it's reaching its peak atm fjkdlsdjklf OOP; but anyways whether you're dealing with school or smt else or just chilling, I hope you're good :)) Here's the first part to this fic, I'm so excited to dive into this and I'm so curious to see what you'll think!! So without further ado, let's just jump into it ;) I hope you enjoy!♥


Your heart is beating in your ears as you make your way up the stairs, eyes wide so they can see through the darkness. The lights embedded into the ceilings are all broken and there are no windows in sight, however, so you can barely see a few steps ahead. Even so, just a quick glance around gives you a clear look at the chipping beige paint on the cracked walls and the spiderwebs on the ceilings, and you grimace when you only just manage to dodge one.

"Great place to live, huh?" you remark, glancing over your shoulder at Jungkook. He's just a few steps behind, the stairs too narrow for the two of you to walk alongside each other.

A strained chuckle echoes through the hallway as you stop at the fourth floor of the shabby apartment building, a strip of light breaking through the window at the end of it to illuminate the dirty wooden floors. "I'd move in here tomorrow if I could," he returns with a grin, breathing heavily.

Chuckling, you spot apartment 48 a few steps away and you slow down, coming to a stop at its front door – your smiles quickly fade away. Taking a breath in, a breath out, you reach for your gun in the holster around your thigh, fingers wrapping around the cold metal as Jungkook does the same.

You exchange looks. Another breath, a nod. Jungkook raises his fist to the door, knocks three times.

No answer.

Jungkook knocks again. "Police!" he shouts, his voice harshly cutting through the silence that hangs in the hallway. "Open up!"

More silence. You lean towards the door and listen closely, but you hear no voice or rustling, nothing. The seconds tick by slowly, your heart still beating in your ears – you glance at Jungkook, who is lowering his gun already, subtly shaking his head as he glances at you.

But then there's a bang from inside, followed by a groan.

Jungkook knocks yet again, his fist banging loudly against the door. "Open up!"

There's no verbal reply – just a bunch of creaking, then a car honk drifting in from outside. A cool draft comes in from underneath the door, softly blowing against your ankles. He's getting out through the window.

Without much more thought, you step back and kick. Your foot hits the door once, twice, and the third blow finally does the job – it bursts open under loud groaning, splinters flying everywhere as the hinges are torn out of their frame and the door falls into the apartment.

You run inside, feet thundering against the wood, your gaze falling onto the window right away. Your suspect has one leg out the window as he tries to shove both himself and a large black duffel bag out of the window, eyes widening when he turns his head and sees you and Jungkook standing in his doorway. He turns and aggressively attempts to shove the window further upwards, simultaneously trying to wriggle out from underneath it so he can jump onto the fire escape.

It's almost too easy, and you almost laugh at the scene – just a few more steps and you've quite literally grabbed the suspected drug dealer by the collar, while Jungkook pulls the black duffel bag from his hands and dumps it on the messy dinner table, dirty plates and glasses clinking.

"Come on, don't go breaking your back, now," you remark, putting your gun back in its holster to free up your hands, trying to pull the man into the apartment. He's almost completely managed to fold himself in half and you grimace, tilting your head in an attempt to figure out how he's not hurting himself right now.

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