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Hi friends!! I hope you're all doing well and that the first week of school is going well (if you're going to school ofc, otherwise I hope you've just had a great week) :) I've had a fun and, most of all, chaotic past few weeks to say the least, but I'm getting back into,,,, a semblance of a routine now😂 Anyways, I really hope you'll enjoy this part, thank you for being patient with me and, as always, thank you so much for reading♥


You hear the sirens ringing in your ears before you even arrive at the shelter – bright, flashing lights blind you as soon as you turn the corner and drive up to the building. The breath is knocked out of you as soon as you see it right in front of you, and both you and Jungkook jump out of the car as soon as it screeches to a halt – you almost forget to close the doors as you rush closer to the scene.

The shelter, the place where so many animals have recuperated and found new homes, the place in which Taehyung and Hoseok and Minji have invested so much – the whole building is in flames. Fire is erupting from every corner and crevice of the building, licking the brick stone walls, colouring the sky a bright red, with a thick, dark cloud of smoke billowing up into the air. Firefighters are trying to douse the flames but it seems absolutely and completely useless – it's as if they might as well be trying to put them out with a squirt gun.

Your heart is pounding in your ears as you rush closer. You desperately push through the crowd of onlookers that are watching it all unfold with horrified stares, their hushed voices fading into the background as your breathing grows erratic. You're frantically scanning your surroundings in the hopes of finding Taehyung, in the hopes of confirming that he's not inside– the mere thought makes panic surge through your chest, and your throat tightens with fear.

You draw in a gasping breath when you finally make your way past the few people, stumbling underneath the yellow tape that is holding the crowd back – you flash your badge at the officer that moves in to stop you, and you're relieved to see him step out of your way.

"Tae!" you shout out, voice already hoarse. "Taehyung!" you turn and turn and turn, running closer to the building, panting, trying to breathe deeply through the smoke that seems to be everywhere now – it only triggers an aggressive coughing fit. The heat radiating from the building contrasts heavily with the cold air, but you shiver nevertheless. "Taehyung!" you shout once again, wiping at the tears streaming down your cheeks, fighting against the sobs you feel brewing in your lungs.

"Y/N," you hear in return. The voice is low, raspy, soft, but you can still hear it – you'd be able to recognise it from miles away. Heart skipping a beat, you turn around to find the source– Tae.

You let out a long breath, rushing over to him. He's sitting in the back of an ambulance, far away enough from the building to keep him out of danger, yet still too goddamn close for your liking. His trembling figure is wrapped in a blanket of shiny foil, a deep frown etched into his forehead – his eyes are glassy, his pursed lips curled down. He looks okay, he looks alive, he looks not hurt– but when you stop in front of him and crouch down, you force yourself not to jump forward to hug him and possibly make any invisible injuries worse.

"Tae," you exhale, reaching out to take his hand in yours instead. You slump completely once you feel his skin on yours, once you're assured that it really is him, that it's his trembling but warm fingers so tightly holding onto you – that he really is safe right now.

It's only when he lets out a sob that you're pulled out of your thoughts, and your eyebrows furrow subtly. He's looking down into his lap and you follow his gaze– your heart sinks and a shaky breath escapes your lips.

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