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Hello friends, how are we all doing tonight? I'm done with all my deadlines myself so yay!! Now here's to hoping that I don't have to do any resits fjkdsldfkl ANYWAYS here's part 2 of oak, I hope you enjoy! :)


You let out a slow sigh as you flip through the folders on your desk, a pen twirling between your fingers as you read over the case file in front of you. Briefly averting your eyes to glance at your computer, you huff for the third time this morning and you cross your arms as you lean back, staring at the screen as it continues to just load.

Annoyed, you avert your gaze from your desk for a moment, looking at the empty chair across from you, eyes glazing over as they stare at its frayed, stained fabric. You should be used to it by now, having to spend half an hour waiting for your computer to start, and yet it doesn't get any less annoying –

"Morning," huffs Jungkook as he plops down at the desk right across from yours, and you jolt out of your thoughts. His hair is dishevelled, his simple blue blouse only half tucked into his pants and his tie hanging loose around his neck.

"Good morning," you reply, an amused smile tugging at your lips. You tilt your head at the dark bags under his eyes, at the way he's blinking slowly as he drinks from an abnormally large cup of coffee. "Stayed up late, did you?"

It takes Jungkook a second to process your words and he squints at you for a moment, as if he's still trying to get used to the bright overhead lights, or trying to figure out where his legs have carried him today. When your words finally hit him, though, he quickly waves them away. "I just need to do some pushups and I'll be fine," he assures you, hitting the button on his computer to make it come alive with loud whirring.

You honestly don't need to ask further questions at this point – but you want to hear his answers anyway. "What did you even do?"

"I definitely did not play Overwatch until two," he replies firmly, getting up from his chair, his groan masking the way it creaks with his movement. "And I definitely didn't lose track of time when I was playing Call of Duty after that. Absolutely not." He shakes his head as he sinks to his knees next to his desk, rubbing his hands together before placing them on the dusty tiled floor. "I mean, what idiot would do that when they have work the next morning?" he mumbles as he starts doing pushups, his voice almost inaudible. "Definitely not me, that's for sure."

You chuckle, shaking your head. Your computer is still working hard on getting started for the day, and you turn back to your case file. "Sounds like you know how to spend your time wisely," you remark, flipping open a second folder to check whether you wrote the name of your perp correctly.

"That's me," Jungkook returns through a grunt.

"Y/N! Jungkook!" a voice calls out from across the room, one that makes Jungkook jump up immediately, his chest heaving slightly. You just swivel around in your chair, noticing Hana, your sergeant, approaching the two of you.

"A body was found downtown, possible homicide," she says, coming to a stop at your desks. "I just texted you the address."

With a nod, you jump up from your chair and grab your gun from your desk to fasten its holster to your belt, with Jungkook doing the same across from you. "Are the crime techs on site?"

Hana nods. "Yeah. Uniforms are already there interviewing people, too, and the coroner is on her way," she replies, typing something on her phone. "It's a pretty public place, so you might have to fight through a crowd."

You huff. Great. Spectators. "Thanks for the warning," you tell her anyway.

She nods and sends you a smile. "Good luck."

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