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Hi friends, I hope you're doing well & that you enjoy this third part of oak!! :)♥


With no distractions, the following Saturday feels like one long hangover, an unending daze – and unfortunately for you, it's not one you're able to resolve with any of the hangover cures you find on Google. With Taehyung at work, all you can do is try to distract yourself by doing the dishes, dusting surfaces, vacuuming the entire apartment twice. And still, Seokjin's words keep repeating in your head, over and over and over again – we've moved.

Despite the fact that some part of you believes him, you keep trying to come up with excuses as to why he would be lying, why he would be here completely on his own. Why you're not in deep, deep, trouble. Maybe it was just a coincidence, maybe he was on a day trip and just so happened to be in the same bar at the same time, and maybe he was just kidding, and

You're abruptly pulled out of your thoughts when your phone rings just before dinner time, the loud ringtone shrill in your ears. Wincing at the sound, you swipe to accept the call, putting the phone to your ear.

"Hey!" Taehyung's voice greets you. An inevitable smile teases over your lips and you lean against the counter, playing with the dish towel in your hands. "Feeling better?"

You smile. "Hey, Tae," you return, crossing your arms. "Still a little groggy, but I'm alright."

"I'm glad to hear that, babe," he says, his voice softer now, more soothing.

You push yourself off the counter, wandering over to the couch. "How's work? Did those strays make it?" you ask as you plop down, letting out a short sigh.

You can hear the smile in his voice as he replies, "Yeah, they're all doing really great, considering the circumstances." You hear a distant bark followed by Hoseok's high-pitched reply, and your smile widens.

"Hey, listen, about that..." he begins, clearing his throat. "I have to stay late tonight."

"Oh," is all you can really get out, looking down at your free hand as you fidget with the dish towel you didn't put away. Pursing your lips, you try to ignore the sense of worry in your gut – you don't know how much longer you'll last without completely spiralling. "How long?"

"A few hours," he replies with a sigh, and you start to chew on the inside of your bottom lip. "I'm sorry."

"Want me to help out?" you offer without much more thought, dropping the dish towel into your lap. "I need to get out of the house anyway."

Taehyung chuckles on the other end. "You feel well enough to clean up poop and stuff?"

A grin washes over your features. "I can always try."

"Then that sounds great," he mutters with another sigh, one that sounds rather relieved than guilty this time. There's another bark in the background, and your smile widens. "You can come over whenever you want, just text me if I need to let you in."

You're already getting up from the couch, hastily walking to your bedroom to change into... not pyjamas. "I'll be there in about an hour with dinner," you reply. "Chinese sound good?"

"Definitely," comes the immediate reply, and you laugh as you open your wardrobe, pulling out the first pair of pants in sight. "Hold on, I'll check with the others," he adds quickly, his words followed by muffled rustling and his distant voice on the other end. You simply wait for him to get a response, struggling out of your sweatpants while keeping the phone to your ear.

"They sound pretty hungry, so bring extra," he says with a laugh. "See you soon, then?"

"Very soon," you return with a small smile. "Love you."

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