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Hello everyone!! I hope you've been having a great weekend :) Part 10 is here already, time flies!! :') I hope you enjoy it♥♥♥


Something feels different when you walk into the station the next morning. It still smells like coffee and old cigarettes, your desk is as messy as it normally is, the usual low chatter hums in your ears. It all looks the same – but it's like something has changed, it feels like you shouldn't be here at all. Your fingers curl up into a fist – your hand burns, as if Jimin's touch left something poisonous behind.

You take a breath and force your hand to relax, pushing on.

"Morning," you greet Jungkook as you sit down at your desk. Your movements are wooden – it's like you've forgotten what you're even supposed to do.

Jungkook looks up from the forms he's filling out, smiling half-heartedly. "Hi," he simply says. His eyes linger on yours for a moment, his mouth opens, he takes a breath– but then he seals his lips once more, quickly looking down again.

Your eyebrows draw together and you tilt your head. "Is uh..." You clear your throat, sitting up. "Is Namjoon in yet?"

Jungkook simply shrugs, his eyes glued to the paper. "Don't know. Haven't seen him."

Silence falls as you nod slowly. Jungkook keeps scribbling on the paperwork on his desk, seeming to do his absolute best to not look at you, and your frown deepens. Maybe he's just tired, you tell yourself, blindly fumbling with some of the papers on your desk. He'd tell you if something were bothering him.

Clearing your throat once more, you blink and lean over to turn on your desktop. "I'll text him, then," you mutter, pulling out your phone and opening up Namjoon's contact.

Jungkook hums absently and remains silent as you slowly type out a message. The silence is like a heavy weight on your shoulders and you can barely focus on the text you're typing – you glance at Jungkook from underneath your eyelashes as you send the message, catching him already looking at you. A deep frown is etched into his forehead, his jaw ticks as he focuses on his paperwork once more – the look in his eyes almost reminds you of the way Taehyung looked at you just last night, and your heart wrenches at the memory. He can't just be tired, there has to be more – and you're not about to let him stew in it.

"Hey, what's wrong?" you blurt out, looking up at him as you put down your phone.

Jungkook's head snaps up and he blinks, takes another breath. He clears his throat, silence falls yet again – his eyes dart over your face as if he's looking for something, his eyebrows furrowed. You don't know if he finds it, but he speaks nevertheless, "Taehyung texted me last night."

You frown – you're sure the two text often. They're good friends, you wouldn't expect anything else.

"He was asking where you were, what assignment you were on."


His voice is harsh, an almost stern frown is etched into his forehead. You bite on your tongue, willing yourself not to look away – you've only seen him like this in interrogations. "He doesn't know?"

You avert your eyes to look at your desktop monitor, which is still calmly booting up. The blue circle swirling on the screen doesn't calm you – it does anything but. "He's got too much on his mind as it is," you reply lowly, eyes flickering to your partner.

He scoffs, shaking his head as he looks down at the forms he's been working on. "As if this will help clear it," he mutters, starting to furiously scribble away.

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