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Hewwooo friends, I hope you've been having a good weekend!! It's later than usual but as always, I hope you enjoy this week's fic, I'm so excited to share it with you guys♥♥♥


Your shoulders are heavy as you trudge back into the bullpen. Your eyes are focused on your feet, eyebrows furrowed and your mind running at a thousand miles an hour – though it all comes down to the same conclusion.

You shouldn't have let Jimin go like that.

You try to reassure yourself with the fact that arresting him wouldn't have gotten you anywhere – you have no evidence of his supposed criminal activities. For all intents and purposes, he's just a normal guy frequenting one of the many bars in town.

And so, you've made up your mind. You're going to get that evidence, whatever it takes – you'll work your ass off until you either accomplish that goal or collapse of exhaustion.

"Hey, where did you go?" Jungkook asks, looking up from his desk as you sit down at yours. His eye flickers to the abnormally large cup of coffee in your hand – the barista had given you a pitiful look when you ordered it as the sun was already setting outside. He seems to notice the smiley she'd drawn on the cup, too – she'd seemed intent on lifting your spirits and her smile had looked victorious when you'd softly chuckled at it – and his lips quirk upwards, almost amused at the sight of it. "I thought you were just picking Taehyung up from the hospital."

You hum and nod, glaring at the mess you left on your desk before you rushed to the shelter. It feels like years ago that you stood there watching the flames consume the building and colouring the sky red, that you felt the intense heat on your skin, that you watched Taehyung shake right in front of you. Nevertheless, the same powerless feeling washes over you and you grit your teeth, shaking your head. "I had to tend to something," you reply with a sigh, sitting down in your chair.

Jungkook hesitates, looks at you with a thoughtful pout, eyes scanning every inch of your face. "Care to tell me what that something is?"

You glance up at him, your gun feels heavy in its holster. "I went to the Black Horse," you reply sullenly, trying to sound as casual as you can – but you're sure he notices the subtle quiver in your voice.

His lips part, forming a perfectly round shape as he nods, silence falling for a little while. You take a breath and focus on clearing out your desk, avoiding his gaze. "Did you get anything?"

You slowly shake your head. "Just more threats," you reply, inhaling once more. You force the stress out of your tense muscles, rolling your shoulders and clearing your throat – better. "So we really need to get moving on this case before something else goes up in flames," you mumble, flipping through some forms on your desk before looking up at Jungkook. "Did the crime techs get anything from the roof?"

He hesitates for a moment, his eyebrows furrowing at you, and it's clear he doesn't feel like you should be changing the subject here – but he eventually clears his throat and shakes his head, diverting his eyes to the paperwork on his desk. "No bullet casings, no trace evidence, no nothing," he replies, looking up at you from underneath his lashes. "Either they're really good at cleaning up, or the wind wiped everything away for them."

You sigh. Of course – you shouldn't have expected much more. "Then we'll dig further into whatever the victim was involved in, see if we can find a connection to the Scouts somewhere," you think aloud, glancing up at the whiteboard to look at the profile you've managed to gather on him – pretty damn meagre.

Jungkook hums, glancing up at the board. "What do you propose?"

"We'll go back and see if we can find anything about his movements that'll get us something to arrest some members," you say curtly, your voice monotone as you start on your coffee. At this point, the lack of evidence only makes you more determined to find it. "Get the ball rolling."

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