14 (epilogue)

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Hello and welcome to the last part of oak ahhhhh!!!!!!! I can't believe this is actually the last part, just in time for new year's ;) I hope you enjoy😊 Also, happy taehyung day y'all!!!💕💕


"Yes, thank you, Junwoo. I'm standing in front of the courthouse, where the leader of the notorious 'Devil's Scouts' has just been found guilty on several counts including drug trafficking, racketeering, and homicide, and will now have to await his sentencing hearing scheduled next week. I have police sergeant Kim Namjoon here next to me to elaborate on what could be awaiting Park next Friday – sergeant Kim, how big is the chance he'll get any less than life without parole?"

"Of course, we're hoping –"

Taehyung pointedly switches off the radio, glancing at you from the driver's seat before looking back at the road. "He'll be off the streets for the rest of his life," he decides, nodding to emphasise his words.

You let out a sigh, straightening out your simple grey dress. Your eyes are drooping as you look out the window, and you're slumping in your seat. Despite over a year of recovery and physical therapy, you can still feel a dull ache in your right shoulder, which doesn't exactly help in lifting your spirits. "I know."

You heave a sigh, watching as the courthouse grows smaller and smaller in the side mirror. When Taehyung turns a corner, it finally disappears from sight, and you bite on your tongue as your eyes flutter closed and you lean back. Your heart still feels as heavy as it did when you entered the courtroom this morning.

Taehyung takes a breath, seeming to want to speak up, but then lets the breath back out. You know him well enough to know what he was going to say, though – the same thing he'd been repeating up until this morning, the start of the last day of Jimin's trial. Are you sure we should've come?

You still don't know the exact answer to that question.

"It's just weird," you say, shaking your head in a halfhearted attempt to rid yourself of any doubts. Closure. You're getting closure out of this– trying to, at least. You turn to look at him, sending him a smile for good measure. "It feels so final when I know there'll be appeals and hearings and more appeals, and..."

He puts a hand on yours, intertwining your fingers as he keeps his eyes fixed on the road. "We'll worry about that when the time comes," he says, glancing at you. "Hell, I'm no lawyer, but even I could tell their defence was absolute bullshit. You never know, maybe they're scared he'll get a worse sentence if they do appeal."

You breathe out a laugh, staring down at your hands. "I guess so."

"No– no guessing. I know it," he returns, sending you a gentle smile. You return the sentiment and he nods, satisfied for now. "Now, let's just get to the shelter and eat before I start on that sauce packet that's been in the glove department for, like, a year."

With a laugh, you glance out the windshield, watching the colourful collection of townhouses, restaurants, apartment buildings, and storefronts you pass. The streets are bustling with people; some are dressed up for dinner, some are walking their dogs in sweatpants and hoodies, and others are still in their work uniforms. "Should I text the others to go ahead and order more?" you ask, letting go of his hand to lean down and dig around for your phone in the purse at your feet.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure Hoseok and Minji got just about every item on the menu."

A chuckle escapes your lips and you nod, though you keep your phone in your hand, playing with it for a while as silence takes over the car. In the corner of your eye, you spot the shelter up ahead. It has been rebuilt completely, bigger and better than before; the building stands proudly in the exact place of its predecessor, stark against the sky now coloured in pinks and purples. The mere sight makes you smile, your chest filling with joy for a fleeting moment– before it dissipates again with a mere sigh, and you focus on your phone.

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