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Hiiii, I hope you're having a wonderful week!! Here's part 4 to oak, I hope you enjoy it :))


"I'll see you tomorrow!"

You absently wave at Jungkook as he walks over to his own car, looking around to find your own as you sling your bag over your shoulder. It's late tonight, the sky already pitch black and the air cold. Your arms and legs feel heavy from your workout at the precinct gym, and you wipe your brow despite the fact that there's no sweat on your forehead anymore. Shaking your head, you dig your hands in your pockets, walking across the street towards your car, shivering at the brisk evening air penetrating your coat.

The streets are crowded even at this hour, though practically everyone simply brushes past you without a smile or even a look. Coming to a stop at the driver's side of your car, you take out your phone, about to text Taehyung that you're on your way home – but you're interrupted just before you get the chance to send him the message.

Call from: Unknown

You frown at the screen, tilting your head. Looking up for a moment, you let your eyes scan your surroundings – nothing out of the ordinary. There's a strange, uneasy feeling bubbling in your stomach, though, and your hand digs deeper into your pocket, fingers closing around your car keys.

Slowly turning back to your phone, you take a breath and pick up. "Hello?"

"Y/N," Seokjin says on the other line and you let out a shocked breath, eyes widening. Your grip around your car keys tightens and you feel the rough edges dig into your skin, but you bite through the stinging pain. "I –"

"Why the hell are you calling me?" you interrupt him, hissing. You look around yet again, jumping into action to open your car door and slip inside, tossing your bag on the passenger's seat. As before, no one turns their head, though you still feel watched, as if a pair of eyes is constantly pricking in the back of your neck. "How did you get my number?" you ask him, hastily zipping open your bag and rummaging around to find your gun resting in its holster, putting it on top of your gym clothes so you can easily grab it.

"It doesn't matter," he shoots back, sounding rushed. There are voices in the background, though they are muffled – he's somewhere in the back of the bar. "Read your texts."

You frown, eyes continuously darting around, nerves coursing through your veins. "What? I don't –"

"Just do it."

There's an urgency to his words, and for some reason, your doubt in him quickly melts away. With caution, you remove your phone from your ear, turning the screen back on to look at whatever he thinks is so important to send – four new messages.

As the silence on the other end of the line drags on, your heart starts to beat just a little faster, and you let out a shaky breath – the uneasy feeling grows stronger, nerves prickling at your skin. You warily open them –

Your heart stops, your blood runs cold.

A picture of you exiting a bar, fingers entwined with Taehyung's as you lean into his side, your eyes downcast. Another picture, taken the moment you entered the animal shelter and greeted a smiling Hoseok, Chinese food in hand. The third is taken on that same night – you, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Minji walking out the back door. The fourth one is taken in broad daylight just outside the Black Horse, with you and Jungkook standing at your car and talking. The angles of the pictures make it clear that they've been taken from street level, and you spot a dashboard in two of them – they've been following you by car.

You let out a sharp breath, a suffocating sense of fear and shock overwhelming you at once. For a moment, you remain rooted to the spot, your eyes fixed on the phone in your lap – for a moment, you're silent.

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