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Hi friends!! I hope you're doing well and enjoying the holiday season if you celebrate :) This is the penultimate part of the fic already (but it's very much the climax, hence why it's a bit longer than usual) aaahhhhhhh!!! You might recognise some inspiration from that episode from castle where ryan goes back undercover the final scene as well as a couple others were very much inspired by it! If you haven't seen the show, it's pretty enjoyable the first few seasons that is hehe!! Anyways, I hope you enjoy😊💕


A rat in our midst.

The silence that follows Jimin's words is ear-deafening. Your heart is pounding fast and irregularly, and your lips are parted, your eyes wide; you're sure the shock shows in them. You don't focus on hiding it, though – your mind is too preoccupied with the sudden onslaught of worries, escape plans, possible excuses as the driver silently switches off the engine and steps out of the car. Dazed, you follow Jimin and Yoongi into the empty parking lot, the air still singed with smoke. The warehouse is small but imposing enough in the dark of night, and it shields you from sight to those who happen to walk past.

You try to stay as composed as you can, to act innocent for as long as they let you. "What's going on?" you ask with a genuine frown as you join them at the front of the car, your legs illuminated by its headlights. An icy wind blows across the empty lot and an involuntary shiver runs down your spine. You zip up your jacket, careful not to cross your arms to avoid appearing as if you need the self-soothing gesture. "Who the hell would rat us out?"

Jimin's jaw ticks. From the corner of your eye, you notice Yoongi is still holding the gun, quickly checking the number of bullets inside before shoving the magazine back in place. The sounds echo aggressively across the damp asphalt glinting in the headlights.

"You know better than anyone that I've always had to watch my back," Jimin starts lowly, running a hand through his hair. "And especially after you left, I realised I couldn't trust anyone around me– not even those I've known since the start. Not even those who have supported me all this time." A car rolls up behind him. The headlights blind you, preventing you from seeing who's inside; you hold up your hand to shield your eyes from the worst of it. "But even then, I never expected this." He breathes out sharply, shakes his head. His jaw clenches. "A fucking rat, hiding in plain sight."

He looks at you. You frown and feign confusion, holding eye contact even when you feel his stare burning right through you. It's only when you hear car doors open and slam closed that you avert your gaze, squinting to look past the headlights – and when you see who's being pulled from the backseat, your face falls.

With widened eyes and a slack jaw, you watch as the alleged 'rat' is led towards you, put right in front of the car that just arrived. His face is illuminated by the headlights of the car behind you, his eyes wide and his brows furrowed. His jet-black hair is dishevelled and he's still wearing his all-black uniform, his hands bound in front of him with duct tape. Without a coat, he's shivering in the cold night air, but he's gritting his teeth together, trying hard not to show his discomfort.


"After you arrested him so publicly, I thought I might as well have someone check on him, just to make sure that you and your buddies hadn't offered him a deal," Jimin continues, gesturing at the two men who brought Seokjin here. They oblige the silent command and grip his arms to yank him forward, his feet scuffing the pavement as he stumbles and regains his balance. "And imagine my surprise when they discovered some... interesting things."

Your hands go clammy with panic, but you try to keep a calm front as Jimin takes slow steps towards his bartender, glares at him. Seokjin doesn't spare him a look, staring straight ahead with a locked jaw– but the frown on his forehead and the look in his eyes betray how scared he really is.

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