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Hello friends!! I hope you've been having a good week :) I'm so excited to share this new part of oak with you guys, I really hope you enjoy it!!♥♥♥


You take a slow breath as Jungkook parks the car, your eyes glued to the Black Horse right outside the car window. A group of burly men exit the bar as Jungkook turns off the engine – there's an air of arrogance about the way they talk to each other, the way they carry themselves, and you divert your eyes to your lap. They're all Devils Scouts members, you assume– they have to be.

"Ready?" Jungkook asks as he pulls the keys out of the ignition, turning to raise his eyebrows at you.

You bite your tongue as you look up from your fidgeting fingers, eyes flickering to the rearview mirror – Namjoon sits in the backseat, staring at the Black Horse like you were just moments before. His eyes are narrowed and he watches the Scouts members as they light up their cigarettes, leaning against the bar's windows – he seems calm yet determined, much like Jungkook, and it reassures you to have at least two out of three people feeling confident about this.

Clearing your throat, you send Jungkook a smile. "As ready as I'll ever be," you reply, hastily getting out of the car before you can change your mind. There's a strange yet familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach as you approach the building – a feeling telling you shit is about to hit the fan.

At least you'll have backup.

The handcuffs on your belt are growing heavier and heavier the closer you get to the entrance, Jungkook and Namjoon right behind you. You ignore the group of Scouts as you pass them, feeling their glaring eyes bore into you, trying to scare you off before you even get inside – you simply keep your gaze ahead of you, biting on your tongue and continuing on your way. It doesn't matter if they see you now – it's all part of the plan.

You push the door open and the warm air inside the bar hits you in the face, practically suffocates you. The smell of beer and pure vodka penetrates your nose, loud voices ring in your ears, you can feel your soles sticking to the floor. It's only the early afternoon, so there aren't very many people yet – but there are enough for this plan to work out.

"Kim Seokjin," Jungkook announces loudly, confidently – his voice booms through the bar and the chatter grows quiet, leaving only the background music to fill your ears. You can feel countless pairs of eyes watching your every move – you force yourself to suppress the uneasy feeling that bubbles in your stomach.

Seokjin looks up from the beer tap, putting down the glass in his hand. He's clad in his black uniform, a dish towel draped over his shoulder, his dark bangs sweeping over his forehead. "Yes?" he replies, eyebrows raised.

"Please step away from behind the bar," you tell him, voice as loud as Jungkook's. You're surprised to hear no tremble.

He slowly, almost cautiously takes the dish towel off his shoulder and does what you've asked him. Biting on your tongue, you approach the bar and pull out your cuffs just as he's about to open his mouth, undoubtedly wanting ask what the hell is going on. "Turn around, please," you say, making a spinning motion with your index finger. "Hands behind your back."

Seokjin hesitates for a moment, blinking at you – he starts to turn around, locking his hands behind his back when someone finally intervenes, putting a hand on his shoulder to prevent him from moving. "I think we're gonna need to see a warrant first, officer," he says, smiling sweetly at you – it's one of the guys from outside. Big, heavy-set, a smoker's rasp to his voice. Your eyes flicker to the friends he's brought back in. Too many. You're way outnumbered here.

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