Days of Future Past (Peter Maximoff X Fem Reader)

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After the events of Apocalypse, everyone at the X-Mansion was longing for good news. There were rumors of a new girl at Xavier's whose mutation was that she could tell the future. Naturally, everyone was curious and thought they could find good in the future, including the X-Men themselves. So they invited the girl, Stella, to spend some time with them in the Danger Room. "So, Stella, we heard you could tell the future?" Jean began. "Yeah, it's not what people think it is, though. I can't tell you when or where it's going to happen. I see glimpses of the future and hear conversations and names. It's not all that great, especially when I get a bad vision and can't do anything to prevent it," Stella confessed. "That must be hard to see when bad things are going to happen," Jubilee responded. "It's not easy, which is why I just try to focus on giving people the good news," Stella admitted. "Well, I want to know my future. I don't know about everybody else, but I'm ready!" Scott exclaimed. "Yeah, let's do this!" Jean declared. "Ok, but I must warn you, my powers aren't the best yet," Stella acknowledged. "That's ok! None of our powers were the best when we first got here," Jean established. All the X-Men gathered around her in a circle. "Alright, since Scott said he wanted to go first, I think we should let him go," Ororo stated. "I agree," Jubilee added. "Alright, Scott, let me see," Stella started saying as she glanced into his eyes. "I see a long-lasting relationship between you and Jean—a marriage even. Though your relationship won't be easy and there will be plenty of bumps down the road, you will have a girl, and she will be like her mother. I know the loss of Alex made you seem like all hope was lost, but he was right—you will become a better man and a stronger leader," Stella concluded. "Oh, babe!" Jean yelled as she went over to kiss Scott. While everyone was smiling for the couple, Peter contorted his face. "Ok, I'm next!" Jubilee chirped. "Jubilee, like your name, you will have many celebrations. You will have a good life with your friends close to you. You won't find love, but you will find happiness in everything, even the little things, and that's what keeps you going," Stella stated. "That's perfect!" Jubilee announced. "I'll have to pass due to personal beliefs, but I am sure God has a good life for me," Kurt admitted. "Indeed He does," Stella grinned. "I'll go next," Ororo quipped.

"Ororo, you are a strong warrior, and you will continue to be. You can't be shaken, even in the toughest of times. You are going to comfort those who need it, and you will be quite happy with the life you lead," Stella certified. "I expected as such," Ororo admitted, smiling. "Peter's turn!" Jean exclaimed, nudging him. "Let's get this over with," Peter responded. "Oh, Peter, I think you will enjoy what I have to say. For starters, you mature and start acting your age, but that doesn't mean you won't be a child at heart. Secondly, you get married," Stella started to say. "What?" Scott glanced over at Peter along with the rest of the X-Men. "He gets married? Maximoff couldn't catch a girl, no matter how fast he is!" Scott exclaimed. Peter peered over at Scott with dagger eyes. "Scott, that was rude!" Jubilee declared. "What it's the truth!" Scott established. "Scott, we should leave for a minute. Excuse us," Jean said as she left the room with Scott. "I'm sorry about that. Should we continue?" Stella asked. "Yes, if you don't mind," Peter replied. "Ok, you get married to a lovely girl. You will meet her shortly after an injury. Together, you will have a beautiful daughter. As for your rivalry with Scott, it will go away soon. You will leave the X-Men for a brief period to spend time with your wife and daughter, but when you return, you will be better than ever," Stella professed. "I'll believe it when I see it," Peter murmured as he stood up from the chair he was sitting in. "I'm sorry if I am being rude; I just haven't had a good day today," Peter confessed. "Well, don't worry; life will get better eventually," Stella smiled. "Thanks, I guess," Peter quipped as everyone left the room.

Nine years later, the X-Men are called to a space mission that leaves Jean in an interesting state after she absorbed a sun flare to protect her friends. As she battles her inner conflicts, dives into self-discovery, and takes on the Dark Phoenix form, the X-Men attempt to revert her to her normal state. Kurt was the first to take her on after teleporting her to a nearby house. He puts up a fight but ends up underneath a pile of debris. After Jean blows up the house and leaves Kurt, Hank shoots a bullet at Jean, and Ororo shoots a lightning bolt out of her hand but misses due to Scott pushing her out of the way, which gives Peter a chance to speed towards her using the broken pieces of the house as steps. As time slows down, so does the bullet Hank shot at Jean. Jean moves the broken pieces from underneath his feet using her telepathy, causing him to misstep and take an aggressive tumble as well as get moving the bullet out of the way. Ororo shot another lightning bolt, but Jean deflected it and then threw Scott and Ororo backward. Finally, though Hank tries to shoot at Jean again, Charles gives Raven a chance to calm her down. Ultimately, it doesn't work as the Dark Phoenix side takes over and Jean uses one of the sharply fallen debris pieces to stab Raven in the stomach, resulting in Raven's death.

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