Practice Makes Perfect (Peter Maximoff x Fem Reader)

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A comfortable silence washed over the mansion after a stressful yet successful mission well, except for Peter's room. Peter and his girlfriend, Y/N were hanging out together playing Pac-Man against each other. Peter started off playing first.

Of course, he set a high bar for Y/n considering his amount of practice and expertise with the game. Y/N sat there for over an hour watching him collect all the white dots and dodging Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. All three of his lives were still intact. "Are you ever going to be finished?" Y/n questioned. "Probably not," Peter stated. "Ugh!" Y/N cried out, proceeding to head over to a desk located towards the front right-hand side of the room to read The Bluest Eyes by Toni Morrison. It wasn't long before his downfall, though.

He rammed into Inky on the lower half of the screen. His first life was gone in an instant. Y/N knew when she heard gosh darn it being yelled from behind her and the electronic wah-wah sound. A smirk emitted from her face. "One life down two to go," She quipped quickly before returning to her book. He scowled without taking his focus off of the game. His next mistake took a bit longer but sure enough Blinky came out of nowhere taking his second life. His last life was lost due to clashing with Clyde and with that the game was over. He finished the game at level 245.

"Your turn try to beat that," Peter remarked. "With pleasure," She grinned although, behind her confident demeanor, she knew she couldn't beat him. She sat down at the Pac-Man machine and started it up. Peter stood close to see how she was doing maybe a little too close. "Peter can you stop breathing down my neck!" Y/n exclaimed. "Sorry you might wanna-" Peter started to say before the dread wah-wah sound was heard once again. "Peter!" Y/n yelled before turning the focus back to the game. Y/n tried as hard as she could be only managed to earn a measly 11490 points.

"Ahh man!" Y/n cried out. "Hey, you did a good job," Peter mentioned. Y/n turned to face him. "I already knew I wasn't going to beat you but I thought I would at least get farther than that," Y/n noted pointing at her score. "You know practice makes perfect," Peter acknowledged.

"Then can you show me a few tips and tricks?" Y/n asked. Peter smiled and happily obliged to help. "May I sit there?" Peter questioned. Y/n nodded and got up so he could sit down in front of the machine. "One of my favorite tips is to find the hiding spot right there," Peter said pointing to the spot below a T-Shaped section. "You are also going to want to get the pellets above the box first thing because that's where they spawn and regenerate from," Peter stated.

"Confusing the ghost is also a great strategy and chose safety over everything else," Peter mentioned. "Safety? Coming from you Maximoff," Y/n quipped. Peter chuckled and began losing lives on purpose so she could play. Peter dragged her into his lap. "Hey!" Y/n exclaimed. "Come on you got this," Peter grinned. Y/n started up the game once again. This time listening to Peter's advice. She began to get into a rhythm focusing on the dots and dodging the ghost. "I'm doing it!" Y/n noted as she got past the third board. However, she couldn't pass the fourth losing all her lives.

"You did great!" Peter encouraged wrapping his arms around her waist and placing his chin in the crook of her neck. "Just keep on practicing," Peter reminded. "I sure don't feel like I did great but I tried my best and that's all that matters right?" Y/n questioned. "Absolutely!" Peter exclaimed. Y/n moved her body around to sit on his lap in a way that she could face him and planted a kiss on his lips. "Just wait Maximoff soon I will beat you in PAC-Man," Y/n stated. "But today is not that day," Peter remarked kissing her forehead. "Or is it?" Y/n wondered turning her body back around to face the game. Peter chuckled picking her up off his lap and putting her back down on the chair. "You know you can be so stubborn," Peter acknowledged. "Says you!" Y/n noted.

"I think you confused stubborn for handsome," Peter quipped. "You are something else," Y/n replied shaking her head. "You're right I am something else. I'm all that and a bag of chips," Peter stated. "I love you dork wad," Y/n established as she turned her attention back to the game. "I love you too," Peter smiled.

Authors Note: Sorry this one is so short but sweet. I hope you like it regardless.

Peter Maximoff X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now