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     SPRING BREAK CAME TO A QUICK END. The following week, classes were back in session. Unease still gnawed at Zoya, she could barely look her best friend in the eyes and Alyssa had enough.

"Why won't you talk to me, Zoya?" Alyssa pressed.

"I really need to get to class," Zoya said, quickly walking away. She could feel Alyssa's eyes boring into her back until she disappeared into the Chemistry classroom.

The usual mild aroma of vanilla hit her nose and it was supposed to calm her but she didn't. Zoya grew more uneasy with each passing second, especially when Professor Alexi began his lesson and his eyes would drift to her ever so often. She kept her legs tightly closed, refusing to tease him in class anymore.

It didn't quell her discomfort and guilt, but it was worth a try.

What do I do?, she begged her sub-conscience for a rational solution.

For the first time, there was no answer.

It made her ignore almost everyone at school for a week until she couldn't bare the tension anymore. She needed to get to the bottom of this.

Hence, when class ended and Professor Alexi asked her to stay back, she didn't pretend not to hear him nor lie that it was that time of the month. Instead, she waited by his desk until he marched over.

Alexi sat atop his desk and tried pulling her close by the waist.

Zoya took a step back and kept her eyes trained on the floor. "I think you're keeping something from me that I deserve to know."

"What's that?" he cluelessly asked.

Zoya angrily met his eyes. "What you've been hiding from me!"

His eyes flashed a dark emotion before he quickly covered it with a chuckle. "Baby, what are you-"

"Don't call me baby," she venemously hissed. "We can't do this anymore."

Alexi sighed and looked down at his watch. "I have a staff meeting in five minutes. Meet me this weekend and we can talk then?"

"Okay," Zoya said and hasted out of the class before he could say more.

She entered the bathroom and washed her face while breathing heavily. A thousand and one questions were running through her mind and she wished there was an easier solution than meeting Alexi this weekend.

What am I doing?, she asked herself. I'm probably jumping to conclusions because I didn't even hear clearly-

A stall door opened and out came Alyssa. She was shocked to see the state of her friend so she rushed over. Zoya took a step back like Alyssa's touch burned.

Alyssa scowled. "I've had enough of this, Zoya! You don't talk to me, you don't talk to Pia, and you have Malique worried sick! You're only talking to Caden while your real friends are stressing over you!"

"Real friends?!" Zoya exclaimed.

"I said what I said," Alyssa hissed. "One little crush and you're forgetting about who have always been here for you!"

Zoya was taken aback. "It's not like that. . . Where's all this jealousy coming from?"

"Just forget it," she spat. "When he breaks your heart, don't come crying to me."

Zoya's mouth was left on the floor as she watched Alyssa exit the bathroom. She was baffled, she had no idea they felt this way.

I've been so caught up with my own problems for the past week so forgive me if Caden is the only person who makes me feel sane.

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