40 | the v e n o m

703 105 39

| Z O Y A |

     TWO DAYS LATER, Zoya had Chemistry again. She sat at the back of the class, glaring at Alexi. It was the first time the man ever refused to meet her eyes and she found it comical.

With a mean glare, she watched as he moved about the classroom, waving his hand while he pointed at something on the whiteboard. As if he felt her glare, his eyes finally drifted to hers.

Her eyes widened.

Alexi's nose was crooked.

If this had happened a few months ago, she'd probably be teary-eyed, wondering who could've broken Alexi's nose.

But this was the present.

She didn't care about this man.

And if anyone were to ask, she would say they didn't punch him properly. They should've punched that nose clean off his face.

Hearing the bell ring, Zoya grabbed her bag and ran out the class. She didn't want a repeat like Monday's. She could almost still feel his hands crawl over her while he kissed her neck despite her trying to push him away.

I hate that Alyssa found out but. . . I guess I have to give thanks for the interruption.

Speaking of Alyssa, she still wasn't talking to Zoya.

Zoya had had enough of the silent treatment and she was about to spazz. Knowing that Alyssa usually spent her Wednesday free periods at the nearby park, she headed there.

She wore a sad smile when she saw Alyssa, head buried in the novel Zoya gifted her. Swallowing a lump, she took hesitant strides over.

"Hey, Alyssa. . ." she greeted.

Alyssa heaved a loud sigh. "What?"

The venom in her tone had Zoya wincing as if she'd been hit.

"Can we talk?"

"Nothing for us to talk about," Alyssa said, flipping to the next page.

Zoya knew this conversation would go nowhere. With a defeated sigh, her head hung low as she left the park.

Wanting to be cheered up, she dialed her boyfriend. The call went unanswered and her anger soared. She'd been calling him since she woke up this morning and all her calls had went unanswered.

Mi just cya badda, she thought, on the verge of crying.

Before the first tear could fall, Caden called her back. She quickly answered and lashed at him, "Yu neva see me a call yu?!"



"And what?"

"You don't think I deserve an explanation?" Zoya hissed, hearing movement in the background. She remembered he was working more now because he didn't have school, but it didn't quell her anger.

Him cuda text mi!

Caden sighed. "I didn't feel like talking Zoya. I have a lot on my plate right now."

"I know that, Caden, but we need to communicate if this is going to work. You could've told me and I would've given you space."

"Sorry, mamas," he said, unknowingly making her wear a small smile. "Kiss me."

"We're on the phone."


"I'm not kissing you through the phone. Bye, Caden, have fun at work."

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