41 | the w o r r i e s

837 113 79

| Z O Y A |

AFTER SHE CAME OFF THE PHONE with Caden, Zoya decided against going back to class.

Aye, if all Mommy and Daddy cuda see mi. Dem must kill mi.

Senior year took such a horrid turn since the revelation that Alexi was Alyssa's step-father and the shooting at Meadowbrook.

She knew she wasn't the only one affected. Many students were skipping classes. She hated to be a part of the bunch, but she hated being at school more.

Hence, she decided she'd spend the rest of her afternoon with Malique. She'd arrived at his apartment about fifteen minutes ago, and she was sitting around the counter while he moved around the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked. He'd been feeling better.

"Chicken fried rice," Zoya answered, stomach growling at the thought of food.

"Welcome to the Pegasus."

Zoya laughed. "You asked!"

"At least help me cut the vegetables," he said and Zoya nodded.

While chopping, her guilt started to seep inside her again.

I'm hiding my relationship with Alexi from my boyfriend. . . I'm hiding my cousin's affair from his girlfriend. . . I'm hiding my roommate's affair from her boyfriend. . . My best friend hates me. . . My scholarship is on the line and I just feel. . . drained.

"Nevermind, mek mi cut the vegetables before yu hurt yuself," Malique said, pushing her aside. "That's not how you hold the knife and you're cutting the carrots too big."

"Sorry," Zoya said with a cheeky smile as she returned to her seat.

Malique hissed his teeth. "You're too spoilt," he said. "I was seven when Daddy introduced me to a stove."

Zoya sighed at the mention of her uncle. "Have you talked to him recently?"

Malique shrugged. "Something like that. He doesn't have time for small talk, he only asks if I'm healing and if I'm listening to the caretaker."

Zoya sighed. "I'm sorry, Malique."

"It's fine," he said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

Zoya left him to his cooking and went to the living room to watch a movie. She texted Alyssa again, hoping she was up to talking now. She knew it had only been about an hour or so since they saw each other, but she was hoping something would've changed.

She sat waiting so long for an answer, Malique finished cooking and shared her a plate. Now they were eating, having small talk while some worries of the world disappeared.

Zoya cleared her throat. "So. . . about what I saw."

"Zoya," Malique warned.

"We need to talk about it!"

Malique's grip around the fork tightened. "We did already."

"But I still have questions."

Malique's face went blank, yet Zoya could practically see the words turning in his head. "Fine, go ahead," he said after his moment of deliberation.

Zoya smiled. Circumstances aside, she would never pass on an opportunity to pest her older cousin. She knew he would've done the same if it was her.

"So. . . you've sucked dick before?"

Malique's wide eyes met hers. "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm just asking," Zoya answered. "I've never done it before, but I'm curious if you know how fi deep throat, gaggle balls, everything."

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