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| Z O Y A |

    SHE'D NEVER UNDERSTOOD why people behaved the way they did at funerals. Since losing someone close to her, Zoya understood completely.

Zoya tried convincing herself that Alyssa's powdered face was just sleeping - she'd wake up any second now and try her best to get everyone smiling again. Alyssa had always hated seeing people cry.

While all they'd done were be oblivious to her tears. . .

Putting a fist to her mouth, Zoya quickly walked away from the casket. She plastered herself to Caden's side and he comfortingly hugged her.

Sobbing, she watched as Kevin approached the casket. Looking down at the love of his life's body, it was no question that he was crying a river behind the dark shades he wore.

Zoya nibbled on her quivering lips, wanting to look away but not being able to. Zoya couldn't see Alyssa's body, but her face was plastered everywhere on the casket, along with many of her drawings.

"She didn't deserve this," Zoya muttered, laying her head on Caden's shoulder.

Caden didn't answer. He probably didn't have the words. She barely had the words when she'd accompanied him to his coach's funeral and Caden couldn't hold back his tears when he saw the whistle around Bruce Pikes' neck.

Watching as the casket closed and the proceeding began, Zoya closed her eyes and silently listened until Trevor Bryant was at the podium.

"My. . . my daughter would've loved her casket. She told me how she wanted it to look. She always said not enough people plan their futures. And I know this should've never been a conversation a parent has with their kid. . ." he trailed off to dry beneath his eyes. "But how could I have known? Alyssa loved drawing before she could even spell her name. She'd draw on any surface she could find. I remember her mom would always say we spent more money on painters than food because of how Alyssa would d-do the walls.

Delilah. . . rest her soul. I never fought for joint custody when she took Alyssa from me. I thought her new husband could be a better f-father than the failure I was becoming-" Trevor choked on a sob, unable to continue.

Wiping her tears, Zoya watched as Officer Simpson walked to the podium. She rubbed Trevor's back and the man leaned on her shoulder, crying out his pain.

Zoya sadly smiled. She was happy that despite their case being closed, Officer Simpson and her partner were at the funeral.

Pain was evident in Officer Simpson's voice when she finished up Trevor's speech for him. "Please love your loved ones while they're still here. Hug them. Kiss them. Cherish them. One day one of you won't be here anymore and it's a heavy burden to live with regrets. I miss my. . ." Officer Simpson trailed off and wiped beneath her eyes. "My daughter everyday and I hope she finds the happiness she didn't find here."

After Officer Simpson forced out the last word, she helped Trevor to the family section and sat beside him so she could further console him.

Watching the scene, everyone was in tears.

Even Pia who was now at the podium. She tightly held a microphone between shaking hands and sang the closing tribute with an ailing voice. . .

"Heaven couldn't wait for you. . . Heaven couldn't wait for you. . . No, heaven couldn't wait for you. So go on, go home. . ."

| C A D E N |

     AFTER THE FUNERAL, Caden made a quick stop at home.

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