45 | the a n i m o s i t y

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| Z O Y A |

     AS SOON AS her Math class was over, Zoya flew out and almost ran to the other side of school.

I miss doing track.

Arriving at Alyssa's art class, Zoya impatiently waited for Alyssa to exit the class. When she did, Zoya stomped over. She held Alyssa by the wrist and dragged her to an empty classroom despite Alyssa's protests.

Barring Alyssa inside the class, Zoya crossed her arms before her chest and sneered. "You're behind GreySlate?"

Alyssa's eyes narrowed. "Get out of my way, Zoya."

"No," Zoya snapped. "Answer me."

Alyssa's glare deepened before she side-stepped Zoya and exited the class.

Zoya didn't allow her to get off the hook so easily. She exited the class and pulled Alyssa to a stop inside the hallway.

"Alyssa, tell mi the truth! No one knew about it except you. Why would you do this to me?" Zoya asked, voice cracking on the last statement.

Alyssa's harsh look seemed to soften, or maybe Zoya was just imagining it. Because soon as that flash of emotion passed, Alyssa snapped, "You betrayed me."

"Betrayed?!" Zoya asked, dryly laughing. "For the last time, I didn't know he was your father!"

"Sure, whatever you say," Alyssa said with a disbelieving shrug. "It's not like anyone knows it's him you were meeting. So why are you getting mad at me?"

"You know why," Zoya hissed. "Stop dodging the question. Are you behind the page?!"

Alyssa didn't answer.

Zoya stood glaring at her so called best friend, waiting for an answer that she didn't recieve.

Zoya couldn't believe this.

"Know what? Fuck this and fuck you," Zoya hissed.

Today's senior skip day, I don't know why I'm here anyway.

Before she could take two steps away, their dean's voice came over the intercom.

"Wesriveria Tigers, it's with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of our dear Professor Alexi Thomas."

Zoya froze.


She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

I was just with him.

Oh well!

God, forgive me, but a long time him fi dead.

Zoya glanced over her shoulder, seeing Alyssa in a state of shock. Tears were glimmering in her eyes.

Zoya's jaw clenched. She knew she should've consoled her friend. . . but she didn't.

Fuck Alyssa.

Giving Alyssa a nasty head-to-toe, Zoya left school.

By the gates, she dialed Caden a countless amount of times until he finally answered.

Zoya could've easily been convinced that he wasn't on the line if it wasn't for the faint sound of anime in the background.

"Caden?" she hesitantly asked.


His tone was so cold, it sent a visible shiver down her spine.

"Are you busy?"

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