17 | the s o r r o w

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| Z O Y A |

     AFTER MAKING A QUICK STOP AT THE BATHROOM, Zoya headed to lunch. The lingering pain between her thighs was pushed to the back of her mind and was replaced by a smile on her face.

She loved how her Professor's dick made her feel. She knew she was playing a dangerous game, but she couldn't imagine letting him go for him to give someone else this feeling.

Birth of a yamhead, her subconscious disapprovingly stated.

Arriving at the table, Zoya only saw Jacob and Alyssa. "Where's Pia and Malique?"

Jacob shrugged while Alyssa asked, "What did he say about the test?"

Zoya coughed to cover up the smile that almost appeared. "I'm dumb but he'll help me."

"He said that?" she asked, surprised.

Zoya laughed while pulling her current read out her bag. "No, of course not."

"Hm. . . why you do always read fantasy books?"

Zoya ran a finger over the title. She loved this teal and pink cover of an alpha king and his mate, it was what made her buy the book in the first place. "Well. . . I have a hard time saying 'no' and I like how anti-heroes in fantasy books just look out for themselves. It makes me wish I had the courage to put my foot down like them."

"That's deep," Jacob said.

"I didn't know you were listening," Zoya said, feeling embarrassed.

"I'm always listening."

Zoya turned to Alyssa. "What about you? Only romance?"

"Yea. . . Because I want a person I can show all my flaws and they'd still love me," Alyssa answered while fiddling with the sleeve of her blazer.

"This is why I shouldn't be left with you guys. You're too sappy," Jacob said while standing. "Bye."

Watching Jacob leave, Zoya tried playing cupid. "You know Kevin likes you? You're all he talks about."

"He doesn't," Alyssa denied. "I'm not looking for anyone. . . right now."

"Oh. . . okay," Zoya said, excitement piping down as she stood. "I'm going to my dorm. I need to get ready for the meet after school."

"If my dad didn't piss my mom off today, I can make it. If not. . ."

"I understand," Zoya said with a smile of pity.

It so sad seh her parents nav a good relationship. I can tell she tries not to let it bother her but it does more than anything.

Zoya walked off with her hands in her blazer pockets. She felt the necklace Alexi gave her and smiled before putting it on. Entering her room, she was surprised to see Pia in bed.

Zoya's brows furrowed. "Yu good, Pia?"

"Not really."

"Wa happen?" Zoya asked, walking over to her roommate who didn't take her eyes off reruns of The Masked Singer.

"PMS," Pia said, giving Zoya a barely-there smile. "I like your necklace."

Instantly, Zoya grinned. Her fingers moved to play with the pendant and she turned away from Pia to smile even harder. "Thanks, it's new."

"Where'd you get it? I want one for my Mom. She loves necklaces."

Zoya froze, panic settling in her. "It was a gift," she said, choosing to be honest. She'd been lying too much lately and didn't want to get tangled in its web.

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