12 | the g r a z e

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| Z O Y A |

     RUNNING A HAND DOWN HER DRESS, Zoya did another take of herself in the mirror then smiled at her mid-thigh dress and thigh high boots. When Alexi told her two days ago that he'd be bringing her out, she was both excited and nervous. It felt like a date, but she knew it was foolish to label it as such. Still, she couldn't hide the exhilaration that was sizzling in her veins.

Hearing a huff, she looked over her shoulder at Pia who was cozying in bed. "What is it?"

"I can't believe that's on GreySlate," Pia said, scowling at her phone.

"Right. You and Malique are always arguing so I don't know why they posted that one," Zoya said, dodging a decorative pillow Pia blindly threw at her.

"Anyway. Where are you going?" she asked, rolling over on her tummy and smiling when she saw how nicely Zoya was dressed.

"Out. . ."

Please nuh ask where. Please please please.

"Okay, have fun," Pia said and grabbed her phone that pinged. "I have to go!" she said, excitedly jumping off her twin sized bed and hugging Zoya before rushing out the room.

"Then a so Malique likkle buddy sweet she?" Zoya asked the empty room before heading out minutes later.

Walking to Sugarz, she saw someone sitting by the door begging with a small pan. "Can you help the needy, miss?"

Digging in her wallet, Zoya gave the man a five dollar note and smiled when he profusely thanked her.

I don't regret helping, but a some a mi get vex money dat ino. . . Alexi try nuh upset mi. Even though he can't do anything to piss me off, she thought with a cheesy smile before entering Sugarz.

The bell dinged above her head and she smiled when she saw Ryder and Caden moving about behind the counter. Walking over, she took a seat and waited for them to notice her.

If Malique knows you're here, he'll kill you, her subconscious warned.

Zoya blocked it out and looked around the coffee shop. There weren't many late night patrons and the strong aroma of brewing beans was strong in the air along with the mouthwatering scent of freshly baked pastries.

"Well, well, well! Look who's stalking me," Ryder said, making his way over with a wide grin.

Zoya looked behind her. "Who?"

Ryder chuckled, waving Caden over.

"Hey. . . Zoya," Caden said in greeting.

"At least someone remembers my name's not stalker," Zoya said, glaring at Ryder.

"I'm right here, Zoya," Ryder said, holding his heart in mock hurt.

"Ignore him. He's an idiot," Caden said.

"Really? I thought that was you," Zoya joked.

Caden's mouth dropped and Ryder burst out laughing, gaining the attention of a young woman whose head was deeply buried in a magazine.

"Zoya, I like you," Ryder said with a smirk.

"I thought I liked you but now. . ." Caden trailed off with a shake of his head.

Zoya chuckled. "Oh please. If I never showed up you both would have died from boredom."

"Your cousin's not here to pull you away this time?" Caden asked, looking around the shop.

"He's not."

"Who's your cousin?" Ryder pried.

"I'm not sure if you know him. . . He's Malique. He plays football."

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