Chapter Eighteen

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Adrian Winters

Pulling out of my garage in one of many multi million dollar vehicles I owned, in this case my Bugatti Chiron Noire. I was going to close a deal that was one of the most important of my career and I knew it.

Yes even after nearly two and a half decades I felt nervous.

Slowing at the top of the curve I stopped and Olivia got into the car before I drove off along the streets of Southampton towards New York City. The clouds above me all but matching my eyes in shade. I also knew that it had gone all the way to NYC since Hunter and Mia woke thinking it was night still.

Unfortunately means I will be seeing only a storm from my tower.

A piece of me actually couldn't believe this was my life that I had achieved so much in such a short period of time. For over two hundred years my family fought to maintain power, and then all of a sudden I was of age to inherit the family business my father had spent at the time the same amount of time as I had currently to build this company. I bankrupted it and built it all over again to a level none of my family had ever imagined possible. It was my material pride incarnated and I knew it. Winters Group International was a name not one person on the planet hadn't heard and knew the logo of. People feared it just like they feared me and I reveled in it.

An hour later I pulled into the Financial District of New York and headed towards the kilometer tall tower that bared the logo of the company I had built with the help from the woman beside me.

Parking I stepped out of the glossy black vehicle along with Olivia who following one step behind and to the right of me as we walked up to the front door into the marble floored lobby with the company logo plastered on the floor, a crystal sheet chandelier hung above us from the room twenty stories above us all the while we silently glided through the lobby receiving greetings from a handful of the staff while the rest were hard at work.

"Mr. Winters, Kennith Louviere is waiting upstairs already" Laura the receptionist for my company says as Olivia and I passed her at the main desk.

"Thank you, inform Kaylee that I am on my way up" I say while Olivia gave her own instructions for her PA to await her arrival.

Stepping into the elevator and pressing the top floor I went to correcting minor things about the Antonio Liverano suit I wore. As expected I only wore suits made by the best tailors and created with the finest silks as I refused to own anything but the best of anything.

All in the name of appearing vain.

I liked the perception of appearing like I was extremely pompous it made people feel like my reputation was overstressed, that is until they stand in a room with me. Just a few days ago I had to get Scarlett to sign an NDA, while I was making a deal with her father to pull the forty percent stake that Winters Group held in Louviere Financial.

"Adrian stop fussing" Olivia says and I turn my head to look at her while she corrected how the lapel of my jacket sat.

"Not sure about it?" I ask and she glances at me.

"I like the suede like aspect to it. He said it was just fabric though" she says.

"I like the whole suit" I remark and she gives me a coy yet teasing smile only my wife could manage.

"That's because it's all black" she quips.

"It is, by the way your lipstick is crooked" I muse and she whips out her phone to check seeing that it was fine and kicking me in the back of the ankle.

"It's a good thing you're handsome you fucker, giving me a heart attack" she remarks stuffing her phone back into her purse while a small smile remained on her lips.

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