Chapter Seventy Six

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Nathan and I walked slowly out of the hospital mostly due to the amount of people that had filed in since our arrival, but also the expression on his face held more emotion then I think he's ever had in any negative fashion. I was completely unaware that he ever could be affected by loss as deeply as this. I didn't doubt that he could I'd simply never seen it like this in my whole life.

As the doors slipped open with a slight pressurized swish I looked over at Nathan as rain began to fall over Seattle for the second day in a row. Each droplet falling covering more and more of the once dry sidewalks around the hospital.

"I'll go get the car" Nathan says casting me a weak smile before walking away towards where I'd parked the car after I handed him the fob.

Watching him walk through the thickening rain I could see his back slightly tighter then normal, and despite his confident stature he was using it to hide just how he felt, and I could tell that Scarlett not recognizing him had put weight on him that remained unspoken and undiscussed.

Through the haze the lights on the front of the Audi lit up orange along the blinker before the whole headlight turned white and my boyfriends silhouette slipped into the car soon followed by the engine starting.

Prime example of how the world viewed Nathan, rich heir but wouldn't give two shits about how he dealt with it all.

Nathan then pulled the car up to the curb and stopped letting me slip inside and pull the door shut quickly before drying the spots with water on the leather and carbon.

He then drove around the parking lot and out onto the Seattle streets that were just as wet as the hospital area. The buildings reflected the grey stormy sky along with blurred in places where the rain had trickled down close together making ripple patterns on the glass.

"Do you mind if we go for a drive before going home, I want to explain Scarlett and I's story and why I didn't reintroduce myself to her, or even try anything other then saying I knew the boys" Nathan says looking over at me and then shoulder checking to get over into the neighboring lane.

"Not at all, I'll sit and listen" I say giving him a reassuring smile that he returned, "take your time".

Nathan then let out a sigh before rounding the corner and speeding off towards the roads out towards the Sound, and the secluded roads leading out to the private homes that were waterfront all the way around the waters edge.

"So when I was really young, me, my sisters, and Scarlett all knew one another and well Scarlett and I often spent time together simply because my parents were close. My dad helped get Kennith and Danielle's business up and going since both were from very humble beginnings and were starting from beneath square one in the business world, they were both just out of school accountants" Nathan began.

"Then when I was about ten Carrick De'Vincent attempted to kill my dad, but the Louviere driver was a little more hasty that night and so the Louviere car got hit and Scarlett got a shard to the head, and some slight memory loss. Her and I were then separated for sevenish years until last year when we met, and I always could remember features of her, along with the name sounding familiar. The glass shard scar confirmed it, we then got closer because I didn't want her and I to be at odds with one another and it was fairly nice, it was both of our round two for relationships so I took it slow with her wanting her to know that I was able to be relaxed and would never force anything with her, everything was just supposed to flow".

We stopped at a light and Nathan let out a sigh. "After prom and a big manhunt for Carrick De'Vincent she asked me to come to Central Park where she broke up with me saying she couldn't handle being with someone while also being so far away from me at Yale. Accepting that we separated, and I missed her tremendously; but slowly I moved away I allowed myself to think that if it was supposed to stay that way it would, and it did". He then looked at me before the light changed and he drove off again.

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