Chapter Fifty Four

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Scarlett Louviere

To say that things were a little bit hazy right now would be the understatement of the millennium. Derek and I had yet to talk and it had been two weeks since I was back in New Haven. There was also a lot of time spent with him avoiding me, and the longer it had been them more of a bitch I felt like.

I'd done a lot in that time frame, I'd not only one, deprived him of actually seeing me in person for a month and a half, but then when I came back I'd made him feel like a bad person when really I was just projecting what I knew from the past onto the present when he had clearly spent so much time changing for the better, and I had fucked it up.

I seemed to do that fairly often with my relationships, and I needed to fight for this one, because I hadn't done it before.

The first time I didn't open up to Derek, I was a prude and I was too busy living the 'hot girl' life to just admit that it was a possibility the fact I viewed myself as so much better then everyone, might have been the reason he left in the first place for my best friend at the time. The second I did it with Nathan on more then one occasion, and each time he forgave me, for the way I greeted him in response instead of dealing with it maturely, and then in the end with university, I took a guy who had practically bent over backwards for me.

Now I had to accept the bullet I'd made myself have to bite. Nathan was happy now, he and Arilynn were happy and she made him happy and in the small conversation we had he made her feel special which I had craved my whole life. Then when I got that chance with Derek the news of him being my ex from Paris turns me into this petty bitch all over again.

So now here I was driving to his family home, to apologize in person. I'd taken little notes from both Nathan and Arilynn, along with both of their parents during the times I'd gotten to talk to them the latter's was just a one time happening.

Pulling up to the gate in my Urus S I watched the gates open before allowing me into the property which I hadn't expected to seem like it belonged in a winter wonderland with all the fairy lights wound around the trees.

There however in the middle of the round about I'd grown to find empty since the handful of vehicles the Halloway's owned were kept in the garage, was a shiny black 765LT and a Rolls Royce Ghost I'd recognized as Vanessa's. The McLaren I didn't have a clue.

That was until I parked next to it and noticed that the interior had tan leather. It was Nathan's which as far as I knew he owned one already though the more I looked at it I was certain it was the Spider variant.

Finding a place to park I stopped and got out merely to watch the front door open and Trish lean against it before stepping out and shutting the door.

"I saw you pull in" she calls across the driveway pulling the cardigan she wore tighter around her frame while the still air allowed the frizzy ends of her blonde hair to spring up around the back of her head, escaping the professional looking ponytail on the back of her head.

"Yes, why is both Vanessa and Nathan here?" I ask gesturing to the pair of black vehicles.

"That's best if you go in and just listen, the three of them including Derek are all in the living room talking to one another thought it was an argument at first" Trish answers.

"About what?" I ask pinching my eyebrows together and she just looked at me with a faint smile.

"You, for different reasons. Just go in and listen you might get to ask questions" she says and I do.

Carefully opening the door I slipped through the space and took off my shoes, letting them still themselves on the carpet before walking to the edge of the hall where I could hear the dispute in the living room.

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